Riding at Ramey Summer Camp by Brittany Ross
I liked the fact that Ms. Ramey had you do most everything for yourself.
As a college freshman who doesn't have much riding experience, it was hard for me to find a riding camp that accepted people older than 16 years of age. After doing much research, I finally
found Ms. Ramey's riding camp who didn't put an age limit on who could attend. I was a tad
hesitant on going, considering I'm a very reserved and have never been away from home entirely by myself before. Yet it had been three and a half years since I had anything to do with a horse
and I wanted to see if my passion for horses and riding was still in me.
I chose to go the week after Christmas, and the first day I was there, I took a evaluation ride. I
was shocked at how much I had retained from my riding lessons taken years before. In the days that followed, Ms. Ramey gave instruction two times a day. By the last day, she had me riding
almost at the level I was when I stopped the first time. But, to be completely honest, my riding was the least important aspect of what I took from that trip. Ms. Ramey's barn manager was out
one day, and the two of us together took care of the chores.
Here I was, having only ridden horses never taken care of them, and I was helping tend to over
20 horses. It was an awesome experience. I learned so much about myself and had such a sense of accomplishment from just that alone. I liked the fact that Ms. Ramey had you do most
everything for yourself. I found out what it'd really be like to own a horse, the immense time, effort, and money that goes into them.
I realized that I loved to take care of them, and to have one involved in my life, I didn't have to
just ride them. A lot of pride goes into simply keeping a horse happy and healthy. As stubborn and pouty as I was occasionally during my week, I was surprised how Ms. Ramey remained
patient with me and I'm thankful. Aside from her camp being a wonderful experience, she is a wonderful hostess and excellent teacher of not only riding, but life as well. Ramey Equestrian School and Summer Camp
Ramey Equestrian School, located at Ramey Riding Stables, is nestled
among the hills and valleys of Southern Indiana farmland. Just minutes from Owensboro, Kentucky, the stables are on 48 acres and includes a 24-stall
barn, indoor and outdoor dressage arenas, a jumping arena, and wooded trails. Our riding camps offer instruction from CHA certified instructors to
beginners and advanced riders, both young and old. Ramey Equestrian School and SummerCamp is dedicated to providing a safe riding environment and quality
instruction. We believe this gives our riders increased self-confidence both on and off the horse. Our private camp offers professional instruction for beginner through advanced riders, both kids
and adults. Both English and Western riding programs are directed by CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) certified instructors maintaining a 5:1 camper to staff ratio.
Joan Ramey 5931 Highway 56 Owensboro, Kentucky 42301 Phone: (812) 649-2668 Email: jramey66@yahoo.com www.rameycamps.com
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