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Equine Sun Visor by THE EQUINE COMPANY
At last, a product that protects, and supports treatment of the eye  ...the Equine Sun Visor... by THE EQUINE COMPANY

How The Equine Sun Visor Came To Be
Dale & Yvonne Cates invented the Equine Sun Visor® when their Tovero Paint foal, Indy, presented them with eye and skin sensitivity issues never encountered with their other horses. Their longtime equine veterinarian warned them that Indy's lack of pigmentation around his blue eye and face would make him more susceptible to suffer problems, including cancer, if not protected from the sun. They tried traditional fly masks for coverage but found the protection they offered was not enough. Unable to find a satisfactory product on the market, they designed and created their own. With input from their equine veterinarian, a lot of thought, work, and many fitting trials, the Equine Sun Visor® was developed. Almost immediately other horse owners were asking if one could be made for their horse too. Dandy Products was formed and the rest, as they say, is history.  The Equine Sun Visor® now has loyal customers throughout the United States and Canada.

Attractive, Comfortable, and Effective-- Your Horse Will Love Sun Visor®!
Whether your goal is to increase your horse’s comfort level and protection from sun, or provide supportive care for head shaker’s syndrome, uveitis, conjunctivitis, cancer, or post-surgical protection, our products can meet the need.

Select WHICH Mask Is Right For Your Horse!
We have 3 amazing styles to choose from with numerous choices within that style! These are extremely well made!  Carefully select which is right for your horses with our 3 choices below....and if you need help with the sizes, look at our measuring chart!

Equine Sun Visor (ESV): Starting at only $69.95 With its patented wrap around visor, the Equine Sun Visor provides an industry leading 99.9% direct UV block to the eyes and surrounding soft tissue, and a mesh rating of up to 80% UV block. This mask is for those who want to protect the healthy eyes and surrounding soft tissue of their horse.

ESV Plus: Starting at only $79.95 Using the same high UV protective visor, the ESV Plus also uses a mesh with UV rating up to 90% to help protect against indirect UV rays from environmental reflectors such as sand and snow.

ESV MAXX: Starting at only $99. 95 Our highest level of UV protection providing the same 99.9% UV block under the visor, and a lab rated 95% UV block through the mesh design. Created for horses with Equine Head Shakers Syndrome, the ESV MAXX has also proved itself to be effective in providing supportive care for equine recurrent uveitis, conjunctivitis, dilation treatments, and other severe light sensitive eye disorders.
Note: There is not a mask on the market that has a higher overall UV block rating! 

What If My Horse Has Uveitis or Sensitive Eyes, Can Equine Sun Visor® Help?
Yes and Yes! Horses with UV issues, or weepy and sensitive eyes, can all benefit from our masks, regardless of their pigmentation. It even acts as an umbrella in the rain! It's a quality product made in the USA. Buy one today, your horse will thank you!

The Equine Sun Visor® Is So Much MORE Than a "Fly Mask" !
So simple, yet so effective. This is more than just another fly mask. Its patented design provides proven eye protection against harmful UV rays from the sun.  Any horse with blue eyes, light or little pigment around the eyes, or pink skin will benefit immediately from the protection offered by the Equine Sun Visor®.  Horses with weepy or sensitive eyes, chronic conjunctivitis and uveitis can benefit as well, regardless of their pigmentation. It even acts as an umbrella in the rain! It's a quality product manufactured right here in the USA. Here are some of the features of our visor:

  •     Provides crucial UV ray block for eyes (top, front, & sides)
  •     Protects from dust, debris, wind & rain       
  •     Works great as a fly & insect mask                   
  •     Recommended by Equine Vets and Eye Specialists for helpful treatment of uveitis , conjunctivitis, and  other equine eye sensitivities.
Is It True That The Equine Sun Visor Offers 75% UV Ray Protection?
The Equine Sun Visor is made from quality domestic materials providing a minimum 75% UV protection rating. The sun visor provides additional protection by layering fabrics and increasing the protective block over and around the eye area. An optional nose extension can be added from either 75% or 95% UV ray blocking fabric to suit the owner's desire and horse's needs.

What Sets The Equine Sun Visor Apart From Regular Fly Masks?
What sets the Equine Sun Visor® apart from other products is its visor. It combines the benefits of two types of material, in a wrap around design, for ultra protection from UV rays, bugs, and irritants. With the Equine Sun Visor, you'll bring a new level of protection, comfort, and health to your horse. We also offer FREE monogramming of your horse or ranch name on every Equine Sun Visor®.

Is It True That All Masks Are Custom Made To Order?
Every mask is made to order and ships out in 1-2 weeks.

What Do Customers Say About The Equine Sun Visor®?
"The Equine Sun Visor is THE best mask ever. It is well made. Its design fits well and does what it promises ...protects the horse's eyes from the sun and the bugs"
Diane - Texas

"These are really beautiful. I've noticed a reduction already in sun burn to the area. Less weepy also for both of my horses"
Alice - Florida

'Thank you for the personal attention to me as a customer, and to the details of the mask. I love beautiful monogram of my farm, a nice, classy touch"
Monica - Pennsylvania

" My horses are in direct, hot, 90 degree sun for about 6 hours a day. I was so impressed with the quality and the "instant shade" the Equine Sun Visor gave to the horses here at I highly recommend them and love that Equine Sun Visor went to the trouble to monogram our horse's names on each one!"
Ann- Director

"I want to let you know I love your product, the Equine Sun Visor.  I currently use it on an equine cancer patient, pre and post op, and it has worked FANTASTIC!  I have told many people about the benefits of your product. " 
Rebecca Mead - President - Equine Cancer Society
Order Your Horse's Equine Sun Visor® Today!
If your horse is in direct sun, he or she can really benefit from the shading protection of the Equine Sun Visor® and if he or she has eye issues, the Equine Sun Visor® is a MUST! Order your Equine Sun Visor® today and let your horses comfort be 'made in the shade' today!

Contact: Tim Kleptz 
11844 Haber Road
Englewood, Ohio 45322-8788
Phone: 937-510-5810
Website: Click Here To Connect

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