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Essential Principles of Horseshoeing
Foundation Guide to Sound Trimming and Shoeing
By Doug Butler, Jacob Butler, Peter Butler

Have you ever wondered about the strength and endurance required by the horse’s legs- and more specifically the horse’s feet? Have you ever wonder how a horse can withstand such use? Have you ever considered the impact each time the horse’s hoof hits the ground? The pounding we hear as it lands or gallops pales in comparison to the pounding the structures of the foot receive with each footfall. And that is why we have written this book. – From the Introduction

My name is Robert Pruitt and I’m the CEO of InfoHorse.com, the largest advertising directory for the Horse Industry since 1995. I wanted to write a quick review of the book Essential Principles of Horseshoeing from Doug Butler who is considered the "Farrier's Farrier" and is founder of the Butler Professional Farrier School ... not only do Farriers get their START with Doug through  his school,  but experienced Farriers with years of knowledge come to Doug to "fine tune" their skills and increase their knowledge.

The book was written primarily for people considering the profession of Farrier.  My opinion is this book deserves a much larger audience than someone considering the profession of Farrier. Filled with step by step instruction and illustrations, this book should be in every Equestrian’s book library because the horse’s hoof is essential to the horse. Most of us lose our horses, in the end, due to some destruction of the delicate hoof structures. The earlier we releaize there is a problem the better our odds are in making corrections that would support the horse's hoof health.

I have always said that most of us have Trainers, Veterinarians and Farriers to help us with our horses … but after all the advice and help, WE are responsible for our horse's well being. Wouldn't it be nice when your Horseshoer asks you a question or tells you about a strategy to correct your horse's hoof to actually understand what he is planning and have intelligent input that may make the results better for your horse?

Essential Principles of Horseshoeing is almost 300 pages, clearly written, lavishly illustrated and easy for anyone to understand. Absolutely essential for anyone considering becoming a Farrier as it includes information about Farrier qualifications and business skills, but in my opinion this book could be considered essential information for anyone who has a horse. Bob Pruitt

Bob Pruitt  CEO InfoHorse.com and DREAM!

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