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E-Z Up Stirrup Extender
E-Z Up Stirrup Extender

Sometimes there just isn’t a stump around

Picture this. It’s a beautiful sunny day, you are riding your favorite horse, and you are 17 miles from camp, the wind gusts and your $200 hat blows off your head. The hat lands in a little short thicket just behind you. You turn your trusty steed around and point him directly toward the hat. Then reality sets in. If you get off you won’t be able to get back on. You normally mount at the camp by climbing the corral or the fender of the horse trailer. You look all around. There is not a corral or horse trailer to be seen. Worse yet, there isn’t even a stump to stand on.

E-Z Up Leg SaverHow many times has this happened to you? Or simple things like needing to get a gate or worse yet having to answer Mother Nature’s call. Now there is a solution to the dilemma. It is called the E-Z Up Stirrup Extender. It lowers the stirrup three inches with the push of a button for easier mounting then locks back into position with the lift of the toe.
You can use the E-Z Up in two ways. The first is to push the button and the stirrup drops. Put your foot in the stirrup, hike your right leg over the saddle, and bring the E-Z Up back up with your toe. The second way is to push the button and the stirrup drops, put your foot in the stirrup, stand up straight and lean against the saddle, pull your foot up so the stirrup is up and locked into position, then step over the saddle. This method is used a lot by hunters with heavy clothes and riders with ailments such as replacement knees or over weight.

E-Z Up has gone one extra step. They have combined the convenience of the stirrup swivels with the comfort of the LegSaver Stirrup swivels. This not only allows you to mount easier but also it takes the stress from your knees and ankles that is caused by the stiff leather fenders. The combination unit is called the E-Z Up LegSaver. In this set you get an E-Z Up with LegSaver on the left side and a LegSaver swivel for the right side of the saddle. No more need to ride with your boots out of the saddle to relieve the pain. The E-Z Up LegSavers mount easily on your saddle and use your existing stirrups.

Dennis Weaver checks out the E-Z Up / Leg SaverBill Mullenbach, president of E-Z Up / LegSaver has been touring the United States to approximately 28 livestock shows and horse expos per year to let people “kick the tires” and see the quality of the products and try them out first hand. “We are skeptical Americans who want to touch it before we buy it.” This tour allows people to feel the devices and ask any questions they may have.
For more information call (877)865-1497 or see

All of the E-Z Up and LegSaver products are proudly made in the U.S.A.

It is such a pleasure to come across a product that really works. The mechanism in this works so smoothly that a rider of any age or size can use it with equal ease.
So often, you need to remount your horse where there isn't a rock or fence to stand on, and this stirrup makes it so much easier. I discovered another advantage to the EZ Up as well.
I no longer get my clothing caught or torn when I use the EZ Up to dismount. I use 2 saddles and have this stirrup on both of them!!!
Barara B. from Caldwell, Idaho

I was skeptical at first about the E-Z Up Stirrup Extender. I was afraid that once I got up on the saddle I wouldn't be able to click the stirrup extender with my foot and make it lock in place. I am a true believer in the stirrup extender now. It is so easy to get it to work. I also use it to dismount my horse. I am short and my horse if 15 1/2 hands. Stumps and rocks aren't always around. You have a wonderful product that works! I have tried other methods of extention that did not work. Thank you so much for making my life and my horses life easier. Best money I've spent in a long time. Will recommend it to anyone with mounting or dismounting problems. Thanks again.
Connie from Indiana

I purchased my first E-ZUP Stirrup Extenders about 1 1/2 years ago. At that time I had a horse that was 16 hands tall. For me that was hard to get on and off.
Then I read about the extenders. When I put them on it made it a lot easier to get and off. They are so easy to use.
I liked my extenders so much that I just purchased another one for my daughter who just purchased a 16 hands tall horse also.
Thank you again for having a well made product and one that actually works. That is hard to fine these days. They are nice people to talk to and do business with.
If anyone has a hard time getting on or off a horse; I would recommend this product. Nancy M.

Contact: Our Friendly Staff
HCR 33, Box 2973
Las Vegas, Nevada 89124
Phone: 1-877-865-1497

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