Resistance Free Accreditation Programs The Richard Shrake Resistance Free Instructor Program
Level 1
Graduate Course
The Graduate Course is for all those who desire a personalized riding and training program with Richard Shrake. You will receive
a full four days working with your horse(s) and access to Richard's extensive knowledge and review in the classroom sessions that are
set up each day following the riding and training sessions. Since this program is designed for you personally, we ask that you take your time and completely fill out this questionnaire. Richard
reviews each questionnaire, so it is important that he have all the information you can furnish. You will also receive your 12-month back-up program. On
your fourth day, after your riding and training session, Richard will sit down individually with each student and review their progress and also give you a program in schedule form to take
home and work on. You will also receive a "Hot Line" phone number (only those taking this course will have ongoing access to Richard), that you can call through on, give the operator
your name and the program you attended, and she will give you the telephone number that you can call Richard on that same day. You have this back up for a 12 month period
following your four day program, so be sure to use it, as Richard is dedicated to helping you after you go home and start working the program. (Cost $1250.00)
Level 2
Masters Course
All who complete Level 1, the Graduate Course, now need to enroll in Level 11, the
Masters Course. This is designed for those who are intermediate riders and want to continue working with Richard and should be taken when you feel ready to move to a higher
level of riding and training skills. For those who want to become accredited as "Richard Shrake Resistance Free Instructors and/or Trainers" this is mandatory. Those pursuing
accreditation will be working with their own horses, plus working on the ground with Richard in a trainer/instructor capacity for part of the four days. We suggest not taking the
Levels closer than four months, so you do have time to go home and perfect the skills you learned at the Graduate Level. (Cost $1250.00)
Level 3
Apprentice Course
After completing Level 2, the Masters Course, you are ready to take the more advanced Level 3 Apprentice Course, which is again open to all riders and trainers wanting to go on
with their Richard Shrake program and really refine, perfect and become the ultimate finished rider and trainer. This is mandatory for those working to become a "Richard Shrake
Resistance Free Instructor and/or Trainer. At this level, those working on accreditation will be in the ring with Richard. They will be riding and working with various horses and
perfecting their teaching and training skills. Richard will review the talents and various requirements needed to prepare you to continue with the program. A questionnaire will be
furnished to assist you with these requirements. (Cost $1250.00)
Apprentice Area Clinic With Richard Shrake
For those who have completed their Level 3 and are in the process of taking students and/or horses in training as a business. The next step is conducting a clinic with Richard in
their area. Richard's office will work with each apprentice to set up dates (2 day week-end clinic), and assist him or her with advertising, promo, etc. The apprentice will need a
location for the clinic that will accommodate a minimum of 25 riders and up to 200 spectators. The clinic will be advertised as a Richard Shrake Resistance Free Clinic
introducing the apprentice to the area as a Richard Shrake Resistance Free apprentice and working toward being endorsed by Richard Shrake. It will be the apprentice's responsibility
to organize and sponsor this clinic.
Richard Shrake's Oregon Apprentice Session
Approximately three to six months following the clinic, the apprentice will have the opportunity to come to Oregon and work with Richard, along with other apprentices who
have reached this level. They will refine their techniques by working with riders and horses. This will consist of five full days and at that time Richard will certify each apprentice
according to his or her skills. They will receive information on all phases of operating a riding and training facility, public relations with clients & self promotion, barn management, etc.
(Cost $2275.00 including lodging)
(Due to scheduling, there are circumstances where the Oregon program is available
before the Apprentice conducts the clinic with Richard. If this does happen, accreditation will be postponed until the clinic is completed.)
After completing all of the above, you will be promoted in our newsletter as " Resistance
Free Instructor and/or Trainer" and listed on our internet homepage. We will refer clients who contact our office for a trainer or instructor to those who complete the course,
according to their individual teaching & training skills. They have the option to purchase Richard Shrake products at wholesale for resale marketing. Before accreditation, they must
have a training facility to work out of and be ready to assume the professional role needed to fill the needs of clients and horses. Once accredited, the apprentice has access to Richard
through the "Hot Line". To keep their certification current, they do have to attend or sponsor
a weekend clinic and work in the ring with Richard no less than once a year. This is strictly for their benefit and to keep current on Richard's methods and contacts. We will protect the
accredited Resistance Free Instructor and/or Trainer for a radius of approximately 100 miles of their facility, depending upon area, the access to area and according to the skills of
their accreditation. All accredited trainers/instructors must maintain a high level of professionalism in their facility, appearance and representation of Richard Shrake, base on
his requirements.
What's Included
Level 1
Cost for 4 days, 12 month hotline back-up, one horse’s board
Level 2
Cost for 4 days, 12 month hotline back-up, one horse’s board
Level 3
Cost for 4 days, 12 month hotline back-up, one horse’s board
Ranch Apprentice Session
Cost for 5 days in Oregon, includes housing and meals.
Register On-Line
Questions: Call 1-800-635-8861
Or Write:
A Winning Way, LTD. P.O. Box 4490 Sunriver, OR 97707
"We dominate a horse by mind over matter We could never do it by brute
strength" -Monica Dickens