Reasons to Build a Steel Horse Barn  Important Information to Consider While Planning Your Steel Barn from the Dedicated Team at Choice Barns
So, you’re in the market for a barn? It used to be there were very few choices when constructing a barn whether it was to house your horses or house your hobbies. Today with the
advances in pre-engineered modular barns and buildings, you can design and build the barn of your dreams using horse-friendly materials ….steel. Besides looking nice, being resistant to fire
and built tough enough to safely house your horses, the additional advantage to a modular steel barn or building is the ease and simplicity of maintaining your structure.
What are the benefits that a steel barn offers? The most important benefit is the resistant to fire.
The best time to think about fire safety is before you build your barn. Fire prevention takes a comprehensive approach - from identifying the hazards to taking every possible precaution.
When you incorporate fire prevention into the building of your new barn, you can buy yourself some peace of mind and maybe save on your insurance premiums as well.
Build in Safeguards:
1. Select building materials with low flammability. Steel is a far, far less flammable building material than wood.
2. Design your barn with plenty of exits for quick evacuation if needed.
3. Install smoke and heat detectors that have the ability to be set up to automatically alarm the closest fire station.
4. Install electrical wiring through metal conduits to prevent rodents from chewing on the wiring and do not overload your circuits.
5.Place electrical outlets out of the reach of your horses and use only "outdoor" type outlets with spring-closing covers to help keep out moisture and dust.
6.Install protective cages over the light fixtures.
7.Install at least one exterior water source on the outside of the barn.
After Construction:
1. Install fire extinguishers throughout the barn and have them inspected yearly at your local fire department.
2. Store hay and straw in a separate structure.
3. Keep the barn clean - sweep up shavings and hay and keep the barn clear of cobwebs.
4. Situate the manure pile away from the barn in case of spontaneous combustion.
5. Store flammable items (i.e. gasoline, propane and lawnmowers) elsewhere.
6. Clean up weeds, dry shrubs and trash from around the exterior of the barn regularly.
7. "No" smoking in the barn.
Steel barns and buildings are manufactured using steel framing, siding and roofing which translates
into years of low-maintenance ownership. Metal is much easier to care for and keep clean. The inside and outside can easily be cleaned with a little soap and water or simply by using a power
washer. This provides an environment of hygiene, which is essential in a barn. Every horse owner knows how important this can be on time and effort. Maintaining your barn will provide
your horses with a safe and healthy environment. Steel is also resilient to mold, mildew and other
infestations that generally happen in wood structures. It also does not need to be repainted, just a little touch-up here and there and these barns and buildings will look stylish for decades.
Cribbing will be a thing of the past in a steel barn, eliminating the need to purchase and install wood boards on a regular basis.
Some practical preventative maintenance for a steel barn or building: •Keep water conditions under control (i.e. leaking waterers and sprinklers systems)
•Stall mats should be placed below the level of the concrete and not up against the bottom of the wall channel.
•Housekeeping (i.e. keep stalls clean and wet shavings away from the walls).
The geographical location of the structure also plays a factor in customizing the barn or building.
Do you need a steeper pitch and filler panels to protect your animals against the elements or more ventilation due to warm weather climates? These design options and more are available to
you when designing a modular steel barn. Here are a few things you should consider when choosing your barn site: •Drainage •View •Access •Utilities •Weather •Neighbors and Zoning
•Future plans
Drainage - Take a walk during a rainstorm and watch how the water moves naturally on your
property. Avoiding natural drainages is environmentally and economically smart as erosion control can be a
costly and never-ending battle. It is better to build where you have good drainage than to bring in a lot of fill. Find a spot that is high and dry, as well as fairly level. View - Ideally, you want to be able to see your barn from your house without living directly
downwind of the wonderful smells. You also want to be able to keep an eye out for both the four-legged and the two-legged varmints. If your barn is within view of the house, it will be a less
likely target. Access - You will want to drive right up to your barn or even drive through it, so locating it
within easy access from a driveway makes access and egress user friendly. Convenience is important; unloading feed, hay, and bedding is much easier if you can drive right up to your barn
not to mention loading and unloading your horses. Consider driving your truck and trailer around your chosen site to make sure you have enough room to maneuver around. Utilities - You will want to have water and electricity in your barn. Be sure you place your barn
close enough to your well or water lines, and utility pole or another building with power in it. The expense is not so much in the fixtures as it is in getting the water and power to the barn.
Weather - Think about the location of your barn in relation to typical conditions in your area. If
you live in a cold climate, you might want a nice Southern exposure to take advantage of the sun for heat. You may want to consider the prevailing winds in your area and position your barn to
be protected from them. If you live in a warmer climate, you may choose to place your barn in the shadow of a hill or large trees. Neighbors and Zoning - You know what they say, "An ounce of prevention is like a pound of
cure". Take the time to talk with your neighbors and let them know of your barn plans. You don't
necessarily have to listen to them, but discover their opinions and try to plan a location that makes everyone happy. Check with your local building department and zoning board. See what
requirements, if any, they have for the size and placement of your barn. Future plans - Take the time to consider future expansions. This may save you time and money
in the end. Another major benefit is the ease of growth. Modular steel barns and buildings are manufactured
in pre-assembled sections making them easy to add-on to as your horse family grows. The ease and quickness of construction makes it easy to disassemble the entire structure and take it with
you if you relocate to another property.
Choice Barns structures are designed and engineered to meet or exceed the latest edition of local
building codes. They offer generous warranties including a Lifetime Kick-Thru Warranty. Their materials are fire-resistant, chew-proof and low-maintenance. Choice Barns strives to provide
safety and comfort for both you and your horses. The dedicated team at Choice Barns offers decades of experience and expertise in the modular steel building industry making building your
project effortless from start to finish. The countless design options, exterior and interior wall and color options, a broad selection of features and accessories gives you the choices to design the
barn of your dreams. With dealers located throughout the United States, they can guarantee you individualized service; on-time delivery and after-sale follow up.
For a free brochure or the name of a Choice Barns Dealer in your area, please contact the office at (866) 994-BARN (2276) or send an email to info@choicebarns.com.
Contact: Choice Barns P.O. Box 8150 Midland, Texas 79708 Phone: 1-866-994-2276. Email: info@choicebarns.com
Website: choicebarns.com |
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