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"Allergy Free" Hemp Bedding by The Healing Cowgirl
"Allergy Free" Hemp Bedding by The Healing Cowgirl, is a game changer for horses with allergies, coughes or respiratory issues!

About Sisters, and Owners of “The Healing Cowgirl", Jodie and Brenda
At The Healing Cowgirl, we care about the health and well-being of your entire family. We take pride in finding natural solutions to provide comfort, relief and a better quality of life. Our products have been crafted to promote overall well-being and provide some extra comfort when you need it most. Our formulas are designed with efficiency in mind, allowing the full spectrum of CBD to go to work and begin balancing your body’s endocannabinoid system, so you can function at your best!

Is It True That Brenda and Jodie Also, Breed and Show Quarter Horses? 
Yes and that is important because it shows that these women know and understand both the needs of horses— and their owners! Woman-owned, sister’s Brenda and Jodie are no strangers to the horse industry, with family members training, showing & breeding Quarter Horses for the last 2 decades. After Brenda’s own health journey, she quickly realized there was a need to help others find answers and relief to their own health concerns. We’ve partnered with the best farms, manufacturers, and carefully crafted product recipes to help people, horses, and dogs. 

Respiratory Health is Vital To Your Horse!
At The Healing Cowgirl, we are all about the health and well being of your horses— and ours! Horses can normally only breathe through their nostrils since their nasal passages are separate from their mouth. Dust, pollens and other irritants can inflame a horse’s nasal passages and cause health risks that you as a horse owner just do NOT want to deal with! Ensuring your horse breathes clean, dust-free, air as much a possible can make a huge difference to the lung health of your horses. Having a bedding that is hypoallergenic and virtually dust free makes your horse’s environment much healthier to breathe in!

Tired of Shavings That Are NOT Absorbent and Often Filled With Dust? 
We were too! At The Healing Cowgirl, we believe Hemp Bedding is healthier and a safer bedding solution. After years of putting up with the dust and smell of traditional pine and straw bedding, our manufacturer set out to find something better. We wanted a bedding material that would keep our barns cleaner, fresher and our horses breathing easier. Our hemp is North American grown and not imported from other countries, saving barns and customers money while supporting our North American Farmers.

What Makes Our Hemp Bedding The BEST?

  • High-end quality, softness & color
  • Tumbling & screen processing eliminates dust
  • Unlimited supply & availability
  • Attention to cleanliness

The Hemp Bedding At The Healing Cowgirl is a Proven Winner:

  • Absorbs 4 times its weight in liquid.
  • Less waste to remove from stalls per day = save time & labor.
  • Cut Costs. Cut back on hauling manure piles. Less stall shavings = less waste around the property.
  • Easy to Dispose. The hemp shaving waste can be spread on pastures and land providing benefits to the soil in your pastures.
  • 100% biodegradable and sustainable.
  • Keep odors under control! 
  • Reducing odors help control flies and parasites.
  • No chemicals or toxins.
  • 99% dust free = healthier horse & cleaner stables.
  • Hypoallergenic – Great for horses with allergies.
  • Improves and supports respiratory health. Helps keep lungs cleaner, great for horses and owners with respiratory concerns.
How Much Will One Bale Cover? 
Depending how deep you want your bedding, and if the horse is simply stalled at night or you have a horse on stall rest, a 12 x 12 stall might use 5-6 bales of shavings, based upon your own personal preferences. After releasing the shavings from the bag, simply rake the shavings evenly throughout the stall. 
  • One bale covers approximately 10 -11 cubic feet.
  • Setting up a new stall (~12×12) with soft or rubber flooring with about 5-6 bags of our premium hemp bedding.
  • Depending on the horse, you may add 1 bag every 4-5 days.
  • You don’t need to use the same volume of hemp bedding as you would with regular wood bedding. Less is more!
Will Hemp Bedding TEST For Show Horses?
No. Our Hemp bedding has all of the oil (the good stuff) stripped out before it’s made. It will NOT drug test if your horse eats it or just by sleeping on it, making it a safe option for competition animals.

Can Urine Soaked Shavings Really Be Dried and Re-used? 
Yes! You do not need to remove the urine-soaked shavings. Simply sift and overturn the urine-soaked shavings, the urine will come in contact with the air, and you will visibly notice the absorption of the urine by the hemp shavings. In very wet areas, it may be helpful to mix dry hemp shavings in with the urine soaked shavings to speed up absorption. They will dry in the air and can be used another time. 

Just Remove The “Horse Nuggets” (Manure)! 
Simply take your rake and pick up the nuggets. You’ll want to shake the rake as much as possible, as the hemp shavings will not stick to the nuggets, and you will preserve more hemp shavings in your stall by doing this. Shake out the manure and save as much of your nice Hemp shavings as possible to keep your stall soft and absorbent 

Are Horse Stables Across America Making The Switch to "Hemp"? 
YES! More and more of our Equine Stables, Farms and Training Centers are making the switch! They see the benefits both from a respiratory standpoint, and from improved absorption! Take your boarding experience to the next level of care! Also great for cattle, swine & chicken farms. There may be a little more set up involved, but your ongoing costs decrease. Your clientelle will notice the difference— so will the health of your horses!

Is It True That The Healing Cowgirl Also Has Amazing CBD Products For Horses?
YES! The BEST you can find anywhere! Our SHOP area is comprehensive! Your horses and dogs will enjoy the pastes, pellets, powders and treats! Horse owners and their families will enjoy the line up of products for humans too!

Call Brenda or Jodi TODAY For a Personalized Quote a For Hemp Bedding Delivery!
The Healing Cowgirl is anxious to help you with an order for HEMP BEDDING or help with any CBD Supplement, Treat, Topical or Gummy that can bring comfort and well being into the lives of your horses, dogs and family! Just call or text Jodie or Brenda today and they will go all out to serve you well!

Contact: Jodie or Brenda 
2323 Allentown Road
Lima, Ohio 45805
Phone: Brenda 419-234-4320 Jodie 419-302-9769
Website: Click Here To Connect

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