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Animal Communicators, Horse Psychic, Dog Psychics

Caro; Hensell Animal Communicator

Horse Psychic, Dog Psychics Animal Communicators
There are people with a rare gift. This gift enables them to understand what your horse is thinking and feeling. Don’t believe it? Give it a try. The staff at InfoHorse.com has worked with a few of the talented people here, and what we found was truly remarkable. These people can talk to animals!  We can’t really explain it, but we think you are in for a real treat! Give them a chance, let them help you, and they will make a believer out of you.

Articles from Horse Communicators

Val Heart3 Tips on Training a Race Horse for Successful Endurance Riding
As an animal communicator I am often asked for help with the challenges of taking an ex-race horse off the track and preparing them to be successful in other equine sports. by Val Heart

valhartjhmGo for the Gold!  Horse Communication
Talking with your show horse helps improve competition scores 
By Val Heart, Expert Animal Communicator, Behaviorist, Master Healer

10 Tips to Prevent Losing Animals & Aid the Recovery By Heidi Wright AC
When to Ask an Animal Communicator For Help by Heidi Wright  AC, RMP

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InfoHorse.com, Horse Information Lives Here ®  3/24/2025
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