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Bob Pruitt  CEO InfoHorse.com and DREAM!

About InfoHorse

How Did InfoHorse.com Begin? About Us!
Dream meets Sugar for the first time.InfoHorse.com began in 1996 started by horses owner Robert S. Pruitt and his family,  anxious (Like the picture of Dream meeting Sugar for the first time)  to find out more information on horses, and the products and services that keep them healthy as well as our belief that- Fear ends where knowledge begins.

Giving our visitors confidence that comes from information is a big part of our mission. Unable to find any sites, at that time, that offered more than just a "banners" about a product or service, the creators of InfoHorse.com decided to create a site horse people could go and get ALL the information --- and how to contact the people responsible for that information--- in ONE place.
Our slogan is The Horse Information Lives Here!

What Is Our Goal?
Our Goal is to have all the information you need to make an informed purchase decision-- RIGHT HERE! We even provide full contact information to make it easy!

How Does InfoHorse.com Work?
Simply choose a general category (black button) and then skim down the list of sub-categories till you find what you are looking for. Select that subcategory. Once selected you will see the SPONSOR of that category and a button next to the sponsor leading you inside to see our members. Simply click on the button next to the Sponsor and you will see a  "side by side" line up of many of the manufacturers of horse products or services so you can see--- ON A SINGLE PAGE--- who and what your choices are. THEN... click the photo of the companies or service that interests you and you will be lead to a MAIN page of information, up to 1400 words long!

Why Have It All At InfoHorse.com?
We give the horse owner the power to decide to know what is best for your own horse-- by showing you what your choices are! If the point of a "banner" was to lead you to a website to get more information about  product or service and then give the reader knowledge on how to contact that product or service producer--- then InfoHorse.com decided we would create a SINGLE PAGE (after our short introduction) that would give horse owners up to 1400 words of information on that product or service- followed by FULL CONTACT information so that you could call or contact whoever you needed to without trying to hunt down where to find them!

What Role Do The Buckskin Horse "Dream" and the little Morgan "Sugar" (our featured Sugar and Dream star in ads for many advertisers.Horses who star on our pages and in many product photos) Play Here At InfoHorse.com?
Everyone who works for InfoHorse.com has horses. After all, how could we claim to have the "Horse Information" if we didn't speak the language of horse ownership? How could we help companies write up information on their products or services without knowledge of how products and training work with horses? Dream and Sugar were purchased especially FOR InfoHorse .com, and they work and are maintained carefully, as well loved "employees" helping with product shots for companies who need to have a photo of their product shown on or with a horse, and--- since 2009--even our FB, TWITTER and YOUTUBE videos of products for companies who want to show THEIR products through streaming video-- on OUR company horses!

How Did Dream Get His Name and What Is Dream's Role At InfoHorse.com?
Dream covered in mud and exhausted when delivered.In  February of 2003 there was a NAME THE FOAL contest created for DREAM on our other site (our PMU Rescue Foal) headed for slaughter, before we intervened by purchasing him to be a "spokesperson" for InfoHorse .com!  Thousands of people participated and it was a MONTH long adventure of fun and deciding. FINALLY the name Martha Moraad from North Carolina submitted
Ultimate Dream--Because it is the "Ultimate Dream" for these foals to be rescued.
Our rescue purchase of Dream lead to the additional rescue of 300 PMU foals in 2003!

CEO Bob and Spokes horse Dream!
Dream is the motivation for many of our Facebook and other Social Media Posts. He teaches us NEW and wonderful things about horses- every day. Dream has patiently endured all the wonderful horse products we have used on him when companies send us their products to "report on". His newest adventure is learning to accept the horse "vacuum". Dream has gone from a scrawny, unloved foal, to a stunning, beautiful adored horse. He and Bob (our CEO you see on the HOME page) are recognized nearly every where they go-- they are an inseparable team -- filled with love and respect for each other.
Dream is our demo horse for articles that teach and how products are used.
Dream training makes him the perfect demo horse for articles that teach horsemanship and demonstrates new products for our advertisers.  Dream is fulfilling OUR dream, of helping horse owners understand the joy that a real partnership with your horse can be.

How Did Sugar  (Morgan Filly) Get Her Name And What Is Sugar's Role at InfoHorse?
To talk about Sugar (purchased in March of 2011 to be the star of our "Starting Sugar" series, we must first talk about Splendor-- the Black Morgan with Ann Pruitt (Director of Marketing) for the last 25 years. In 1996, when InfoHorse.com first came about, it became apparent very quickly that many companies needed a beautiful horse to go w/ their product for a good "horse/ product" shot! Splendor fit the bill beautifully! Splendor carried her name well and looked like a feminine version of the Black Stallion! Until 2003, when we purchased Dream,  Splendor was the horse we used in all product shots.

When PMU horse Dream was purchased/rescued as a 5 month old colt, it was SPLENDOR who took on the role of mother. Dream and Splendor were INSEPARABLE and often worked as a TEAM to demonstrate horse products.

In 2008 Splendor was tragically and unexpectedly hit with Laminitis. Our little mare that never had a single sick day in her life, was now fighting for her life.
OUR STAFF and her owner ANN PRUITT were devastated beyond words. Because of her HAPPY nature and her OWN determination to live , NO EFFORT was SPARE to save her! She had 'round the clock' care-- and Ann was given time away from the office (for 3 years!) to care for her 2-4 times a day!

SplendorConvinced through so many days of "progress" and ,that the large team of vets we hired to save her, would in fact be able to save her, Splendor showed us what courage under the most difficult of circumstances could be. For the next 3 years, she lived a happy, well protected and completely pampered life. She even modeled the SOFT RIDE BOOTS, specifically made for Laminitic horses
  and she continued, to star in easy photo shots, and to continue her role as "teacher" for our staff. She was even the inspiration for our SECTION on LAMINITIS TREATMENTS found in HEALTH (one stop shopping for anyone suffering with a laminitic horse! Splendor graciously inspired educational articles to help others with this malady. Helping Horses with Laminitis article is only one example.

Suddenly, in January 2011, after 3 years of being relatively pain free, and living a pampered life, our beloved girl became worse and within 2 days of trying to restore her, we lost her. The simple, painful words on FB "She is gone" brought an outpouring of sympathy and love through out the national horse community. Her grave is carefully attended EVERY SUNDAY and her memorial is lit at night. Her memory and our love of her is forever.

Now Back To SUGAR...
Our staff, Ann Pruitt, was devastated at the loss of Splendor. Anyone who has had an unbreakable bond with their horse can understand that their loss leaves a hole that can not be filled--

Dream was inconsolable. His pain at this loss was apparent for all to see. Dream had lost his continual companion who had raised him and loved him since foalhood. Sugar and Dream turned out together first time.Because of their unique role in at InfoHorse.com, Dream and Splendor were NEVER separated but always together so finding a special companion to console both Dream- and Ann-- were imperative.

After a extensive search, we found SUGAR-- a lovely 4 year old Morgan Filly (unbroke, untrained) In Canada at the lovely A1Morgan Horse Farm. Ann knew she was right from the start-- she looked so much like our beloved Splendor -- and yet was her own special "little horse-person" Shipped from Canada by Brookledge Horse Transport, her arrival was greatly anticipated and documented on FB for all to see.

Did Sugar Heal Dream's Broken Heart?
Dream and Sugar's attraction to each other was INSTANT... a photo of their FIRST MEETING has become our LOGO at the top of the HOME page. Within 24 hours they were inseparable... and broken hearts, on all sides, began to slowly mend.

OH... And How Did Sugar Get Her Name?
Our nickname for Splendor was "Sugar"... it seemed only right, to honor our beloved Splendor by calling our new Morgan, and InfoHorse.com "horsey spokesperson", the name "Sugar"... what a blessing that she lives up to that name every single day.!

What Is Sugar's Role at InfoHorse.com?
Her first role was to help us show a loving way to start an unbroke horse in our Starting Sugar Series.Ann and Sugar at Showcase Performance Horse Stables. it was lots of fun-- and Sugar never had a single moment of stress-- she has been loved and pampered just as Dream and Splendor always were.

Sugar also has helped us with other FaceBook and TWITTER posts that demonstrate products and training issues like what it is like to introduce a young horse to something new... like clippers:

Sugar continues to help us every day with training information we can pass along via Twitter and Facebook, product information and we are excited to have her part of our future for both our readers and our members!

Where Do Sugar and Dream Reside?
InfoHorse.com has had several really nice locals where our company horses have been housed and cared for. Dream, Splendor and now Sugar are seen and cared for DAILY by both the stables and Bob and Ann Pruitt (CEO and Director of Marketing). Currently Sugar and Dream are located at the prestigious Rocky Top at the Birch Horse Stable in Keller Texas. Dream and Sugar have a large  pasture for daily turnout (they are always turned out together) and comfortable stalls for evenings or inclement weather. Dream and Sugar continue to represent all horses and give us a chance to test new products we represent here on the largest Horse Industry Website in the World. Grow your company here!

Contact : Ann Pruitt
1521 Shadowbrook Dr Keller Texas 76248
Phone: 239-541-8983
Email: ann@infoHorse.com

To advertise your horse product or service, Contact Ann

InfoHorse.com, Horse Information Lives Here ®  3/24/2025
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