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When to Ask an Animal Communicator For Help
Animal Communication by Heidi Wright

 by Heidi Wright  AC, RMP Critter Connections

Hindsight seems to be crystal clear on the short flight from the saddle to the dirt.  Of course sellers want to sell the horse, but full disclosure is not always given about a horse’s history, correct age, or behavior.  After all, if the horse is so great, why is he for sale?Experienced horse owners will tell you that the pre-purchase exam is worth the money it can save you if you don’t get one.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could ask the horse about his day, if he likes to be ridden, how he has been treated, and how he is feeling?   A consultation with an animal communicator can be very helpful before buying a horse, and can be done as a part of the pre-purchase exam.  If you have read this far, you are probably one of nearly 80% of visitors that follow the ‘Animal Communicator’ link, and you know there is more going on inside your buddy’s head besides, ‘where’s my hay?’

The day started like any other; You get up, make the coffee, and think about your day. You finish at least one cup of coffee, and go outside to feed your horses.  Something is not right.  Your beloved steed is lame.  You check for obvious signs of injury, but find none.  Later you take him to the vet, and the vet can not find anything wrong.   Wouldn’t it be great to be able to ask the horse what happened, and how he is feeling?  Would you like to ask if he needs something?  An animal communicator can provide valuable insights about these kinds of things.   Many animal communicators are able to use a technique called gestalt.  This is the part where a human patient would be asked, ‘Tell me where it hurts and what causes the pain’.  This technique has helped in many cases.  Gestalt is very helpful for physical problems, and is often later validated by veterinarians.
A recent client named Melinda is a diligent person and researched her horses before she bought them and brought them home.  However, not long after one of her horses moved in, he began behaving strangely.  Whenever she or her husband were in ear shot of the barn, one of her geldings would put his head down, bite at his front legs and kick out with his back legs, often striking the stall wall behind him.   He left bite marks on his front legs, and shoe prints by bucking against the stall wall.  The vet told her he was sound and could not explain the odd behavior.  She was afraid the horse would hurt itself, and contacted me for a consultation.  When I was asked to do a session with the horse and ask what was going on, I felt like the horse was being a spoiled brat and was throwing a tantrum.  His actions always brought him the attention he sought.  I suggested an alternative, that the horse simply whinny when he wanted attention.  
Before I could report back to the client, she e-mailed me, concerned because although the biting and bucking had stopped, the horse would whinny every time they came into view.  I had to confess that the whinnying was my suggestion as a way for him to ask for attention.  Later, I had to request that he not whinny at night.   This same client asked about her other horse, and his behavior.  The horse “told” me things that had happened before.  The client tracked down the previous owner, and was able verify what was said, including mistreatment from a particular previous rider.  While an animal communicator may not be able to solve all behavior issues, a consultation and a “chat” with the animal is most often fruitful, if for nothing else giving the human the viewpoint of the animal.
Pre-purchase exams, physical issues, and behavior problems are all situations where an animal communicator may be able to help, and save you a lot of time, worry, and money.   Please don’t misunderstand me, there is no way an animal communicator can or should replace a veterinarian.  However, their insight can be a very valuable diagnostic aid if they can relate what the animal is feeling.  It can help you make a more informed decision before buying a horse, help the transition of getting a new horse, explain what is going to happen, etc.  While this article has been about horses, these techniques work with all species of animals.  I have successfully connected with dogs, cats, birds, snakes, guinea pigs, a hawk, a turtle, ducks, etc.   People in the U.S. will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their pets each year.  One of the best gifts you can give your furry friend is understanding, and an animal communicator can help.
An honest reputable animal communicator will tell you exactly what their talents are, how they work, what training they have had, offer testimonials, and how much their fees are.  My background and training is listed right here on  Many animal communicators charge by the hour, but I continue to charge by the case as I don’t like to be watching the clock when I am working with a client.  They should be willing to answer business questions before you hire them, but please don’t ask for animal answers before you hire them.  They do this work as a business, and need to be paid just like a trainer or veterinarian.  Drop me a note; I would love to chat with them.  I am listed under Critter Connections, and am endorsed by celebrity animal communicator Amelia Kinkade, being listed on her web site under 'contact' as a communicator she refers clients to.  I do make house calls if you are close enough.

Contact: Heidi Wright
PO Box 4852
Malin, Oregon 97632
Phone: 530-640-0686

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