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KNOCKOUT™ by ActivateQi
Looking for a NATURAL WAY to help prevent EPM or Remove Parasites From Your Horses or Dogs? KNOCKOUT™ is the answer you are looking for!

About Brittany Jacobsen and Rachel Schaefer Owners of ACTIVATEQI
Brittany Jacobsen and Rachel Schaefer, owners of ACTIVATEQI  have paired their love with horses and dogs, and passion for holistic wellness. We both were going through hard times and multiple health issues with our horses and dogs and we were not satisfied with the current products on the market, and just not seeing the results. At this time we were both introduced to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for humans. When we learned the way of TCM, and how they approach health issues, or injuries by getting to the root cause of the organ imbalance and we knew we wanted to bring this to the horse market. We started off with a handful of horse products, and are so happy with the feedback and results. We have now expanded to a canine line, and have more equine products in the works. You will love the results as we do.

How Do You Pronounce “Qi” and What Is It?
"Qi" pronounced "CHEE" is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to describe vital energy or life force in the body. A great example is when you are upset or worried and have a knot in your stomach. There is blocked Qi "energy" in your stomach area, and while it is okay to temporarily have emotions and embrace them, if Qi is blocked for long periods of time it can start to lead to other imbalances of the body, creating health issues. Having free flow of Qi throughout the body is key for optimal health in you, your horse, and your dog. 

What IS TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine?)
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is one of the world’s oldest forms of medicine. It is also referred to as “Eastern Medicine” originated in China. Its main concept is that a vital force of life, called Qi (CHEE), travels through the body. An imbalance to Qi can cause disease and illness. This imbalance is most commonly thought to be caused by an alteration in the opposite and complementary forces that make up the Qi, which is called yin and yang. It is believed that to regain balance, you must achieve balance between the internal body organs, and the 5 external elements of earth, fire, water, wood, and metal. TCM also classifies emotions into 7 categories that are paired with specific organs. TCM treatment seeks to restore balance through treatment specific to the individual. Understanding the underlying causes of these illnesses is the key to addressing treatment options, not just masking the symptoms. Some treatment options for TCM include acupuncture, nutrition evaluation, therapeutic massage, cupping, scraping, and herbal remedies.

What Was The Motivation For ActivateQi?

Through our passion for holistic healing and wellness fueled by the vital importance of answering the question of ‘why’ that we, as horse owners, were pursuing, combined with the urgency of finding an herbal combination that produced results, ActivateQi was born. Through our journeys, we quickly understood that we needed to answer the question of ‘why.’ While many products address the symptoms, few options target the root cause. To alleviate the symptoms, we must not address only the symptoms but the ailment causing the symptoms. Each ingredient in every ActivateQi formula was strategically selected to target the root cause of the symptoms, while bringing relief to the symptoms they are experiencing in a duo combination.
Note: Our goal is to balance your horse's body so they don’t need to be on products long term.

Why Was KNOCKOUT™ Formulated?

KNOCKOUT™ was formulated to aid in removing a variety of parasites and worms. Parasites can be a root cause of digestive and cognitive issues, and they also are known to hide dormant in the organs. This is why we have formulated Knockout to also cleanse the organs, open up the exit pathways for them to easily exit the body, and support digestion.

What Conditions Can KNOCKOUT™ Help My Horses or Dogs With?
KNOCKOUT™ was formulated to cleanse parasites while boosting the immune system by cleansing the organs and supporting their overall function during the process. Horses will experience reoccurring exposure to parasites and worms. Parasites can be found in water, grain, hay, or grass contaminated by the eggs passed through the feces of an infested horse. This formula contains nutrient dense herbs, rich in antioxidant's that aid in cleansing the organs that stimulate detox and decongest the lymph network all while purifying the blood and increasing circulation. We recommend this formula be followed with a clean diet for best results.
Aids in removing parasite eggs, flatworms, tapeworms, bloodworms/large strongyles, pinworms, hookworms, flukes, roundworms.
Supports cognitive function.
Boosts the bodies energy and immunity; fights fatigue.
Promoting lymph drainage and movement.
Improves digestion.
Moistens the intestines/unblocks bowels.
Relieves stomach cramping.
Nourishes and purifies the blood while increasing circulation.
Aids in eliminating toxins from the bloodstream.
Encourages liver flush.
Encourages kidneys to discharge higher levels of water, washing out creatinine, toxic and metabolic waste.

What Conditions Can REMOVE™ Help My Horses With?
REMOVE™ was formulated as a heavy metal cleanse for horses. Heavy metals can inhibit proper function of cells and tissues and can be dangerous with high accumulation in the body and organs. Heavy metals may come from pesticides, where grain or hay is being made or manufactured. They can be used as binders in grain products and can also come from contaminated water. Heavy metals are also passed on through the mares' placenta onto their foals. Remove works to flush out heavy metals out, cleanse the organs that can be affected by heavy metal build up, while cleansing the blood and lymph nodes. Remove helps boost the immune system and fight fatigue during the cleanse process while also improving digestion. We recommend this formula be followed with a clean diet for best results.

Chelating properties that bind heavy metals that are removed from the body through our excretory system.
Clears the body of heavy metals, and can cleanse other neurotoxins such as phthalates, plasticizers, insecticides.
Removes arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, lead, mercury, uranium.
Cleanses blood, lymph, intestines, kidneys, liver, skin and lungs.
Moistens the intestines, move the bowels in order to clear more heat.
Builds strength to fight fatigue.

What Should My Horse Take-  If My Horse Has EPM?
If your horse is experiencing EPM, Lyme disease, or West Nile symptoms we have products and protocols for each and we always recommend that you work with your veterinarian too! Our EPM protocol is KNOCKOUT Parasite Cleanse, then supporting nerve and spinal cord inflammation with Respond. We do recommend each horse to have at least one parasite cleanse each year, but EPM horses to do twice. Customers are able to do 1 bucket at a time, or start with Knockout for 30-60 days, then add in Respond.

What If My Horse Is Suffering With Lyme Disease?
Our Lyme protocol is:

 Step 1 - KNOCKOUT™ parasite cleanse, as parasites can carry the Lyme bacteria around the body and hide dormant in organs. This is why you can see flare ups come and go. This will also start the process of cleansing the organs, eliminating digestive issues and supporting the immune system.

Step 2 - is REVERSE™ which is formulated to help eliminate Lyme, and help support joint or muscle pain that is associated with it.

Step 3 - is RESPOND™ to help with nerve damage, spinal cord inflammation, or poor cognitive function. 
You can do 1 bucket at a time, or start with 30-60 days of Knockout then to add in Reverse. Customers can decide what option they would like depending on their horse's severity, how they handle the cleansing process, and their budget of how to approach each protocol. We see results both ways.

How About If My Horse Has West Nile?
For West Nile cases we have REMEDY™, which is our natural antibiotic that consists of powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal herbs that aid in fighting infections. Then Respond to help with nerve damage, spinal cord inflammation, or poor cognitive function.  We do also have Regulate that contains nutrient dense herbs, rich in antioxidants that aid in nourishing the body while strengthening immunity.

Note: 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 F𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬 W𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐏𝐌
Days 1 - 7 one scoop twice daily
Days 8 - 90 two scoops twice daily

Day 21 can introduce Respond
One scoop twice daily for 7 days. Increase to two scoops twice daily for 90 days.

Can I Talk To Brittany or Rachel at ActivateQi If I Have Questions?
Yes! While Brittany and Rachel are not a licensed veterinarian, they have a tremendous knowledge of what these products are designed to do. They will help you know what supplements to take to help you with your horse. While we always recommend that you work with a veterinarian—
Note: many vets do NOT have a knowledge of natural supplements and how they work together in the body, so Brittany or Rachel will be a great resource and support!

What Do People Say About These Products?
M.P. This product is fantastic! I had a horse with a heavy parasite load. She was lethargic and had an uncontrollable head shake . After a week on this her energy levels increased and head shake was almost complexly gone by week 3 she was back to her healthy old self again , I kept her on it for almost 3 months. I also put my other horses on it for a month as well and I will continue to use this once every few months as a parasite preventative/maintenance. Brittany is also great, she is more than helpful and extremely knowledgeable and willing to go above and beyond to help you, help your horse!

Kara I have a gelding that is anxious, ulcer, EPM prone. I have treated for all the above. I have been wishing I could find a supplement that was just right for him! After so much research of what ingredients would work best I found Activateqi. I know how sensitive my gelding is and I truly needed something that was clean, no binders and no heat processing. The ingredients in these products blew me away! I reached out on Facebook and the efficient response with answering all my questions and then some was above par to say the least! I have him on Knockout and Respond. These ingredients just SIMPLY make sense and I am so thankful for the road ahead.

Ann From InfoHorse I have an older chihuahua that has a heart murmur and resulting terrible cough. It was getting progressivly worse. Brittany was very confident that RESPIRE (for lungs) would be able to help. Within 3 days the cough was almost completely gone-- now he has a quick cough or two every few days and it WAS continous day and night! I also recommended REPAIR to a sister of mine with 2 old dogs that were so crippled with arthritis that even walking was difficult. Both are nearly 15 years old. After 1 week, both are walking great and even jumping up and down like they used to when my sister gets home from work-- these products are a MIRACLE!

ActivateQi Can Help Your Horses and Dogs Today!!

Everyone knows someone who was helped by Chinese Medicine— Traditional Chinese Medicines seeks to restore balance through treatment specific to the individual animal. Understanding the underlying causes of these illnesses is the key to addressing treatment options, not just masking the symptoms. You will find KNOCKOUT™ (for EPM and PARASITES)  and REMOVE™ ( detoxification from Heavy Metals) to offer real answers and help your horses and dogs!

Contact: Brittany Jacobsen
6181 480th St.
Rush City, Minnesota 55069
Phone: 612-500-6439
Website: Click Here To Connect

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