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Flair® Equine Nasal Strips by Achieve Equine
Flair® Equine Nasal Strips by Achieve Equine help enhance your horse's breathing ability during performance!

How It All Started...
Jim Chiapetta and Ed Blach began developing FLAIR® Equine Nasal Strips in the mid 1990’s, as a result of their experiences as equine veterinarians. For years, the duo witnessed that working horses experienced a collapse of their nasal passages when breathing in during exercise. A basic understanding of airflow dynamics helped them appreciate that partial collapse or narrowing of the nasal passages which occurs during exercise increases resistance to airflow into the lungs when oxygen is needed most.

They wondered if it was possible to improve airflow in the horse by applying an external nasal passage support similar to the BreatheRight® strip used by human athletes. A review of the equine research literature revealed a void in knowledge regarding the role of the nasal passages in horses’ breathing and respiratory health. This caused them to begin designing and testing equine nasal strips until they had a product that improved airflow, was safe to use and easy to apply.

Now, over 20 years later, we are pleased that Jim and Ed’s initial “what if” questions have provoked significant University and private clinical research. More than seven clinical studies, several physiology and veterinary textbook articles, numerous symposia, presentations, discussions and debates confirm their original hypothesis. The Strips are proven to make breathing easier, reduce fatigue, conserve energy, quicken recovery and decrease lung bleeding. In addition, further ongoing studies have identified the role the nasal passages play in other upper airway conditions not previously understood.

About Achieve Equine, formerly FLAIR, LLC
In December 2020 we changed our name from Flair, LLC to Achieve Equine, LLC. This came as a result of a desire to have a greater impact on serving the needs of both horses and their riders. Our continuing goal is to deliver innovative, safe, and effective equine products for the welfare of the horse like FLAIR Equine Nasal Strips, to fulfill those needs. That same month, we launched distribution of VIP Equestrian’s products in North America. In 2022, Achieve Equine launched distribution of Iconic Equestrian’s products to the North American market.

At Achieve Equine, we believe in developing impactful and long-lasting relationships. We deliver innovative, functional, high performing products to support the health and safety of horse and rider. Achieve Equine is located near Minneapolis, Minnesota, where the pastures are green and innovation is intentional. Our passion is horses. Our culture is built on relationships, data and a “get it done” attitude. Our team is kind, dependable, and knowledgeable.

What Are FLAIR® Equine Nasal Strips?

A FLAIR® strip is a self-adhesive, drug-free, support that promotes optimum respiratory health of equine athletes. FLAIR strips support the nasal passages of the horse during exercise, improving the horse’s airflow when it needs oxygen most. By reducing airway resistance resulting from physical exertion, the FLAIR Strips help promote peak performance and prevents injury to the lungs. 
Developed by veterinarians, FLAIR Equine Nasal Strips reduce the effort needed to move air in and out of the lungs, resulting in less stress on the lungs during exercise and a faster recovery after exercise. The Strips promote optimum respiratory health of equine athletes, in all disciplines and every level of competition. Horses at lower levels of competition often work as hard as those at higher levels. 

How Do FLAIR® Strips Work?

The FLAIR® Equine Nasal Strip fits 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) above the opening of the nostrils. FLAIR Strips are constructed of FDA-approved medical-grade components including a non-irritating adhesive. Each strip is composed of three plastic springs that provide a precise level of force to help hold open the horse’s nasal passages.

Why Should My Horse Use FLAIR® Strips?

Unlike humans, horses cannot breathe through their mouths. As a result, all horses experience some level of nasal tissue collapse during physical exercise. This partial “collapse” reduces the size of the airway, forcing the horse to work harder to breathe. Clinical studies, conducted in both private and university settings, found that FLAIR® Strips mechanically stabilize the size of the nasal passage opening, allowing oxygen to flow freely. FLAIR Strips support nasal passages and maintain the airway during training or strenuous workouts.

What Are The Health Benefits Of FLAIR® Strips?
Studies have shown that FLAIR Strips reduce lung stress and the incidence of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH), or bleeding in the lungs. Most competitive horses experience some degree of EIPH, though the bleeding may not be visible. Continued episodes of EIPH can lead to permanent lung damage, scarring, and inflammation, increasing a horse’s vulnerability to secondary infections and illness. FLAIR Strips significantly reduce EIPH during heavy exercise.

How Will FLAIR® Strips Impact My Horse's Performance?
Healthy horses perform better. If your horse bleeds as most do when working hard, the irritating effect of blood in the airways will be reduced by FLAIR Strips and your horse’s lungs will stay healthier. In addition, FLAIR® Strips reduce the energy required to take in oxygen. By reducing the amount of energy a horse spends just to get enough oxygen, FLAIR® Strips enable horses to expend more energy on the task at hand. FLAIR® Strips can also increase a horse’s stamina, allowing him to perform at full strength for longer periods of time, without becoming fatigued. Horses wearing FLAIR® Strips use five to eight percent less energy at high speed and during recovery. Riders and trainers notice their horses are more relaxed, look fresher and catch their breath faster when wearing a FLAIR® Strip.

How Will My Horse Respond To FLAIR® Strips?
Most trainers and competitors will notice a difference in either the “feel” or “sound” of their horse when they use FLAIR® Strips. The most common statements shared are “my horse had more air,” “he cooled down faster,” or “she just seemed calmer.” Still others state horses wearing FLAIR Strips are “quieter” or “less stressed.” As always, please consult your veterinarian to ensure optimal care of your horse. Ask your veterinarian to tell you about the significant science behind FLAIR® Strips. If your veterinarian is unaware of the science, have them look at the scientific abstracts on our website or contact us for full copies of the studies.

Multiple COLORS and Priced ONLY $10.50 to 11.50 Each!
If you could enhance your horse’s performance, comfort and ability to take in oxygen during a performance and it only cost you $10.50 to $11.50 to do it… well, who wouldn’t do it?
These Flair strips help keep nasal passages open during their use and the ability to take in air more easily, can only enhance the comfort— and focus — of your horse. Few things ruin a performance faster than discomfort or physical distraction— and if you can eliminate difficulty with air-intake— you have just helped to increase both the performance, and FOCUS of your horse! Priced at only $10.50- $11.50 each you’ll love our shopping selection. 

What Do Equine Professionals Say About FLAIR® Strips?
The respiratory system is a limiting factor in performance of horses. The fact that all horses break some blood vessels in the lung (i.e. bleed or experience exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage) during hard exercise shows that this is a system on the edge. Therefore anything that you can do as an owner, rider or trainer to reduce this stress must be beneficial. My view is that the FLAIR® Nasal Strip is a safe, simple and effective way to support the horse’s respiratory system during training and competition.Dr. David Marlin BSc, PhD, President of the International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology 

FLAIR is definitely a product that increases the airflow to a horse’s lungs when they are gasping toward the end of a cross country course.  It’s a wonderful product that only can improve your horse’s chance of a successful round.Boyd Martin | Boyd Martin Eventing |Highest Placed  US Eventing Team Equestrian Games

When I use FLAIR nasal strips my horse comes out of the arena not breathing near as hard. She also breathes with deeper smoother breaths. She is a bleeder and I take every precaution I can to keep her from bleeding again. I will not ever run her again without them. She actually likes getting it put on her.
Diane Fryer, Barrel Racing Competitor

Order FLAIR® Equine Nasap Strips For Your Horse Today!
You can ORDER Flair Strips at ValleyVetSmartPakEquine
Chewyour website, or other fine retailers today! Make sure your horse has every chance for a top performance with Flair Strips! For more information about FLAIR Strips and to find a retailer near you, please call us today!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
P.O. Box 61
Delano, Minnesota 55328
Phone: 763-972-9056
Website: Click Here To Connect

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