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Hay Medic Hay Steamers by Happy Horse Products, LTD
The Hay Medic Hay Steamer can kill mold spores-- even the EPM Protazoa, and can leave your hay moist (easier to digest and healthier for the gut) and free of pathogens.

About Happy Horse Products Ltd.
Happy Horse Products Ltd is first and foremost an equine company that understands the specialist equestrian market and we are dedicated to providing practical, affordable solutions to our many satisfied customers.

Our development team was recognized for their efforts by winning the BETA 2007 innovation award for feed and supplements and we remain at the forefront of this new technology. We now provide bespoke systems, for the treatment of hay and other forage, throughout the industry and throughout the world. We have an experienced team fully conversant with the equine market and happy to assist you with any special requirements you may have.

How Do I Know If My Horse Can Benefit From Steamed Hay?

First it is important to know that ALL horses will benefit from the advantages of steaming the hay. Steaming destroys harmful molds and bacteria which can cause a host of respiratory problems. Steaming also moistens the hay for easier digestion-- thus helping to discourage colic and other impactions.

What is The Advantage of Steaming Hay?
Steaming hay will turn regular hay into a safer, healthier and more consistent forage for your horse. Steaming hay on the road with our portable hay steamer will ensure that your horse will maintain a consistent diet, even if the quality of hay that is available is not up to your standards.

Why Can't I Water Soak The Hay For The Same Effect?

Soaking your hay can wash away many valuable vitamins and minerals and, depending on how well you rinse the hay, can allow your hay to sit in a "soup" of bacteria and mold spores. Steaming preserves the vitamins (just like when you steam your vegetables at home).

How Much Does It Cost To Operate a Steamer?
The real question should be, "How Much Can Steaming Hay SAVE Me?" COPD, and other respiratory problems can cost you thousands-- even the life of your beloved horse. If you could save yourself that pain and cost, the small investment would be miniscule to you. The cost of operating the Steamer will vary depending on your electric service provider, but is not expensive. The Steam generators for the Traveller and StableMate models are 1500watts, 110volts. The Professional generator is  2500 watts, with 240volts or two units of 1500 wats, 110 volt. 1kW=1000 watts of power. These numbers will help you calculate the usage based on your power providers unit rate.

How Long Do I Need To Steam My Hay?
After the boiler reaches full steam, an average steaming cycle is about 60 to 90 minutes per hay chamber on the StableMate and Traveller. Times for the Professional and Bale Buster will depend on the amount of hay you are steaming. Steaming times depend on the quality of the hay and how compressed it is. To lessen steaming times, pull flakes of hay apart rather than steaming as a solid slab. You'll want to experiment to set the time that suits your hay.

What Models Are Available From Happy Horse Products?
  • Professional Model- The most versatile, effective, easy to use steamer on the market today. Steams up to 1 regular square bale at a time-- (or the equivalent of loose hay or haynets at a time) Only $2,045
  • StableMate: The all new StableMate Steamer from Happy Horse Products can steam up to half a bale of loose hay at a time, or the equivalent in hay nets, and is the perfect option for people with one or two horses. Only $1495
  • Travel Hay Steamer: Convenient for traveling. Can do a few flakes at a time when you are out to the shows or on the road. Only $345.

What Do Horse Owners Say About Their Happy Horse Steamers?
My Happy Horse hay steamer is proving to be invaluable. It is quick and easy to operate and being able to set it up on a time switch is really useful - the hay is then ready when I arrive home from work in the week and it is easy to change the settings if I need hay at different times at the weekend. Handling the hay is much easier than dealing with cold, wet and heavy soaked hay on dark winter nights and Midget prefers the steamed hay and appears to really be benefitting from it from a respiratory point of view. The steamer does take up a quite a lot of room, but one spin off to having it inside is a lovely warm feed room! It was a fantastic prize to win and is a really useful innovation. Thank you Happy Horse!
James McAuley, NH Trainer, Dublin, Ireland.

I've been using my Happy Horse steamer for 6 weeks now and it has been the perfect solution to my horse's problem with small airway disease. He has stopped coughing and is able once again to work and compete normally. For the previous four months he could barely canter a 20m circle and had several courses of medication.

Our hay is good but he clearly could not cope so I am delighted with his recovery. I am so impressed, that both my horses now have steamed hay, and they both love it, particularly when it comes warm and fresh from the steamer. I have been recommending the system to all my friends!

Cathy Hughes Hallett

Don't Let Your Horse Suffer Another Minute-- Make The Healthy Switch To Steamed Hay-- You'll Never Go Back!
Talk to Karin today and find out how the Hay Medic Horse Steamer can make a world of difference to your horses. Join the thousands of top horse professionals who have seen the benefits and will never go back. Call Karin Today!

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
PO Box 592
Palmyra, Virginia 22963
Phone: 434-262-8262
Website: Click Here To Connect

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