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Dricon and FRX Fire Retardant Treated Wood
Dricon and FRX Fire Retardant Treated Wood Can Help Stop Fire From Spreading- and That Can Make All The Difference!

About Arch Wood Protection...

The family of Wolmanized® Wood products comes from Arch Wood Protection. With an impressive history of product advancements, we license many of the best known brands of preserved wood, including Wolmanized® Residential Outdoor® Wood, Wolmanized® Heavy Duty™ Wood, SillBor® Borate-Treated Wood, Dricon® Fire Retardant Treated Wood, FRX® Exterior FRT Wood, FrameGuard® Mold-Resistant Wood, and AntiBlu® sapstain control products. Arch innovations enhance the natural qualities of wood and help to improve quality of life for our communities.

How Can Arch Wood Protection Help Me-- and My Barn?
Arch Wood Protection (AWP) specializes in products for the industrial pre-treatment and surface protection of wood. Two of these products, Dricon and FRX, specifically treat wood to impede flame spread and smoke development.

How Does Fire Retardant Treated Wood Work? 
An important feature of Dricon® and FRX® Wood is that it reacts automatically when exposed to fire.  The fire retardant chemicals react with combustible gases and tars normally generated by untreated wood, converting them to carbon char, with harmless carbon dioxide and water. Wood loses strength in a fire only at the rate at which its cross section is reduced. The surface char acts to insulate underlying wood and reduces the rate at which the cross sectional area is reduced.  The carbon dioxide and water vapor dilute the combustible gases to help reduce flamespread. Preservative protection comes from the borate ingredient of the fire retardant solution. It renders the wood useless as a food source for termites and fungal decay, thereby avoiding damage caused by these organisms.
See our  3-minute video demonstration below:

Dricon® FRT Wood Is Ideal For INDOOR Applications:

  •     Where other materials would permit a fire to spread without restriction from an ignition source.
  •     In areas of construction where there is inadequate water supply or fire protection.
  •     In indoor construction staging, scaffolds, workmen's shanties, etc. during construction or repairs of equipment or multi-story buildings.
  •     In areas where sprinkler systems cannot be readily installed, such as framing under raised platforms or theater stages, floor framing, walls, stud areas enclosed under roofs, and framing for all types of  remodeling work.
  •     In Horse Barns where a versatile and economical construction system is desirable, but life safety cannot be compromised.
  •     In homes located in areas prone to wildfires or anywhere fire safety is a concern. 
  •     Dricon® FRT Wood is NOT suitable to hold up to wet conditions and therefore is best with above ground and indoor applications.
What Is The Fire Performance of Dricon® FRT Wood?
Flame Spread & Smoke Developed Values 
Dricon® FRT wood has been tested for fire performance by several
independent laboratories and meets model code requirements for a Class A Class 1 fire retardant.  As a result of tunnel testing (UL 723, ASTM E 84, and NFPA 255 are essentially identical) an FR-S surface burning characteristic classification has been assigned to all softwood species of Dricon FRT wood. The tunnel test compares surface burning characteristics of tested materials to those of asbestos cement board and untreated red oak lumber.  A rating of 0 is assigned to asbestos cement board and a rating of 100 to untreated red oak flooring.  Flamespread ratings of various species of untreated lumber range from 60 to 230. A rating of 25 qualifies for Class A/Class1 requirements.

How Long Does The Dricon® Treatment Last and Where Can I Purchase Dricon® Fire Retardant Treated Wood?

Dricon® fire retardant treatment will last for the life of the structure. Dricon® FRT Wood is backed by a 40-year roof system warranty for heat degradation and a 40-year preservative warranty.  

What About The Outside Of My Barn Or Home?

The outside of your home and barn are vital as the exterior is exposed to ash and burning embers in case a forest fire strikes. FRX® fire retardant treated (FRT) wood reduces flame spread and smoke development for applications directly exposed to the weather, including horse barns, exterior decks, balconies, stairways, canopies, siding, molding, trim and many others. FRX wood meets the requirements of the model building codes for exterior FRT wood and has been issued an evaluation report (PDF) by International Code Council (ICC) Evaluation Services. FRX wood is also listed as a Qualified Product by the U.S. Navy (MIL-L-1914OE).

A Class A (formerly Class I) fire retardant having a flamespread index of 25 or less, FRX wood may be substituted for materials classified as non-combustible in certain building types designated by the model building codes and requiring ASTM D 2898 conformance. Learn more about FRX wood's fire performance properties.

FRX wood combines the beauty and versatility of wood with the fire safety of non-combustible materials. Comprehensive quality control programs, conducted by third-party agencies, provide assurance that both the FRX® fire retardant chemical and FRX wood are consistently produced to meet performance standards dictated by the model building codes. Learn more about FRX wood's strength and appearance, species and sizes.  

How Long Does The FRX Treatment Last and WHERE Can I Purchase?

FRX® fire retardant treatment will last for the life of the structure! To order, call 1-866-USE-FRTW.

Contact: Our Friendly Staff 
360 Interstate North Parkway suite 450
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Phone: 1-866-USE-FRTW (873-3789)
Website: Click Here To Connect

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