Bio S.I.™ Presends FLOOR-MATE! Bio S.I.™ FLOOR-MATE is benecial microbes for use aisle ways, Horse Stalls, grooming areas, trailers or any flooring area that might come in contact with your horse's feet!
About Bio S.I.
Keeping livestock healthy is essential for any livestock operation. The microbes found in Bio S.I.’sprobiotic products for horses will help ensure that your livestock remains in top form—the natural way. The digestive tract of animals is critical to their health and also to weight gain. So any means of speeding the recovery of the digestive tract after shipping, worming, or any stressful activity only helps the bottom line, quality of production, and the environment for the animals. Our goal is to help horse owners maintain optimal gut health through natural microbes which aid in both digestion and absorption- thus enabling your horse to get the most from the feed and hay he or she is eating.
Is Your Horse Prone To Thrush, Bedsores, Skin Problems, Allergies?
Unseen microscopic danger crawls and lives in your horse’s stalls, floors, tack areas and walls. Horses can experience, bed sores, skin ailments, even develop thrush and breathing problems if not resolved. Bio-S.I.™ FLOOR-MATEis a safe and effective way to naturally break down the proteins, salts and other materials found in urine, manure etc, which cause those musty or ammonia smells— which are hazardous for your horse to breathe or even step and lay on.
How Does Floor-Mate Work?
Floor-Mate brings the natural beneficial soil borne microbes (bacteria), found in nature, to your livestock facilities. These beneficial microbes are found in the soil. Microbes naturally break down the proteins, salts, and other materials found in urine and fecal matter, that cause musty, unpleasant odors such as ammonia Bio S.I. Floor-Mate’s Naturally Occurring, Non-manure Based Microbes:
Improve the animals’ environment
Break down solids
Control odors
How Do I Apply Floor-Mate?
Just One quart (less than $35!) of Bio S.I. Floor-Mate will cover up to 1,000 square feet depending on application. Mix 6-8 ounces of Floor-Mate for each gallon of water. Use any type of clean sprayer you have and spray bedding and walls to damp.
Make Sure Your Stall Flooring, Aisleways, Tacking Areas and WashRacks Have Floor-Mate Today!
Ammonia control is a serious task. Horse owners understand that foul odors and the bacteria that accompanies them, can bring both illness, thrush and even slow down the healing of wounds. Breathing problems can develop with your horse if not kept under control. Floor-Mate comes in many sizes and is less than $35 for a quart, which will treat up to 1000 square feet. Larger sizes are available. Call and order today- the health of your horse is worth the small investment!
Contact: Our Friendly Staff
109 E 6th Street
Justin, Texas 76247 Phone: 940-648-2425 Email: Website: Click Here To Connect
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