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Electronic "Safe-T-Mill" by Trilogy Horse Industries
Trilogy Horse Industries is the World’s Largest Manufacturer of Rollerless (High Speed) Treadmills with adjustable incline! We have several models to choose from- even a model for miniature horses!

About TRILOGY Horse Industries

Quality fitting and conditioning are the concerns of  every caring horse owner. At TRILOGY Horse Industries we know this and do our very best to meet your specific requirements, whether you are a family horse owner or professional! TRILOGY Horse Industries, Inc. products started with our family horses-they've been a source of family recreation for almost 40 years. During this time we've tried many innovations, and discarded most of them! But a few we've kept, developed, and improved to provide our family horses a better life at a reasonable cost. As a result, T.H.I. Products are strong, well designed, safe and long lasting. We know you'll find them that way, because we use them ourselves. Our products are used daily at our own horse farm. Trilogy IS The World’s Largest Manufacturer of Rollerless (High Speed) Treadmills with adjustable incline!
What Sets Trilogy Treadmills Apart From Competitors?

Quality, Construction and Design! All of our products are made for maximum durability and safety.and designed for a lifetime of use.  Not just hollow words, this is make like a tank!
What Advantages Does A Treadmill Offer My Horse?
People ask everyday about the advantages the treadmill offers us.
Here are a few...

* 20 minutes on the treadmill is equal to an hour by hand.
* All exercise can be done inside. Better for the horse and better for the handler. No worries about weather rocks etc. they are always working on a flat cushioned surface, never take a bad step.
* You can work 3 horses in the time it would take for one by hand.
* Our Treadmills  are safer, faster, and more effective than just riding or hand exercising.
* For conditioning it’s as good as it gets. 
* Depending on the owner and what you need to accomplish, most horses are worked four to five times a week with an average of fifteen to twenty minutes a day.
Introducing our “Original Electronic” Safe-T-Mill
Does your horse have the extra muscle definition and gleaming coat it takes to win at halter?  Does your riding horse have the extra stamina and endurance he needs to make his performance in the last go-round as brilliant as the first? You can give your horse that extra "competitive edge" it takes to win today's tough shows with healthful exercise on a SAFE-T-MILL®.

Exercise on a SAFE-T-MILL®, combined with the proper nutrition and health programs, will put your horse in the best physical condition he is genetically capable of.
  Supervised treadmilling will tone muscles and increase circulation. It builds heart and increases lung capacity. The end result is a horse with tremendous stamina and endurance.  Your horse can now have the glowing coat you want and show the beauty of good health.  Why let your competitors "edge" you out of the winners circle?  Start your horse on a SAFE-T-MILL® conditioning program today.
About Our “Easy Strider” Safe-T-Mill
Because of the ever changing horse industry, SAFE-T-MILL® developed the Easy Strider™ High Speed Treadmill. The Treadmill was designed to fit the needs of the horseman and various universities and equine centers that require higher speeds. The combination of variable elevation from 0 to 10 degrees and variable speeds from 0 to 16 mph will execute walk, trot and run procedures thus enabling the operator to test a broad spectrum of equine speeds. The longer body, quiet operation and low maintenance makes the Easy StriderTM the perfect answer for the operation that requires halter, performance, racing and testing of the equine athlete.
About Our Safe-T-Mill High Performance Treadmill

In today's-fast paced society, everyone is looking for the easiest and quickest way to get things done. One aid to the objective of getting horses fit and in condition without spending hours with each horse is the SAFE-T-MILL® HIGH PERFORMANCE®.  When carefully managed, the HIGH PERFORMANCE's® combination of variable elevation from 0° to 10° and variable speed from 0 to 8 mph will execute warm-up, exercise, cool-down and walkout procedures.    
Call To Order Your Safe-T-Mill Treadmill by Trilogy Horse Today!
TRILOGY Horse Industries knows horses, understands the need for quality and the desire horse owners have to make things last! Our Safe-T-Mill Electronic Treadmills can not be beat in quality, effectiveness or that combination for the price we offer. Call us today— great horses are made— and we can help you get there!

Contact: Ray or Jack 
P.O. Boc 15159
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73155
Phone: 405-248-1010
Website: Click Here To Connect

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