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Advantages of HTP Rail Fencing
Good Horse Fencing is Part of Responsible Horse Ownership!
Article from
Redstone Supply Horse Fencing and Farm Products
Centaur Horse Fencing

You’ve Heard of Centaur Fencing – This is What They Are All About

Offering a variety of fencing types, Centaur Fencing ensures that you can find the fencing that is just right for your farm and intended use.
About Centaur Fencing
Centaur HTP Fencing Systems is known for its innovative fencing. The horse’s safety is of utmost importance to the Centaur team, and Centaur offers the safest and most durable fencing available, while still being economical. Best of all, Centaur HTP Fencing is a safer Horse Fencecontinues to develop and advance its products, incorporating the latest technological and material developments to expand and update its fencing products. Serving horse owners for more than 30 years, Centaur is a well-known name recognized for its dedication to safety and quality.

Why Was Centaur Started?
In 1980, Ed Robbins, the founder of Centaur, witnessed the kind of accident that no horseperson ever wants to have to see. His friend, an equine vet, had purchased new horse property with wood rail fencing. The vet turned his polo string out in the field, and the two watched as one of the horses mangled himself in the fence. The horse’s injuries were so severe that he had to be euthanized.

Having witnessed this tragedy, Ed began to analyze the safety of existing horse fencing materials. In doing this, he found a problem: traditional fencing materials simply weren’t safe for horses. Ed set about creating a fence that would be as safe as possible, containing the horse but offering gentle flex to lessen the impact in the event that a horse collided with the fence.
Ed Robbins founded Centaur in 1980, and since then the company has been dedicated to creating the safest horse fencing available. Learn more at centaurhtp.com

What is HTP?
High Tensile Polymer fencing, commonly called HTP fencing, is designed to safely contain horses. HTP fencing features high tensile steel wires that are coated in polymer. The wires lend the fence great strength and durability, while the polymer coating means that the fence has a flexible finish that will absorb the horse’s impact, rather than shattering or breaking.

While wood and PVC fences are strong, they are also flawed: these fencing types can shatter and splinter upon impact, which can create devastating injuries in a horse. Additionally, horses can break through these fences easily, leaving them loose and in a dangerous situation. HTP fencing provides a more forgiving barrier which, while keeping the horse safely contained, flexes and absorbs the energy of a collision without threatening the horse’s safety.

HTP fencing is available in a variety of styles, including HTP Rail and HTP Line, so you have a fence that has an attractive, traditional style while offering the benefits of this innovative technology. Available in a variety of colors, HTP fencing is virtually maintenance-free and is highly durable.
If you already own Centaur Fencing products, check out this video tutorial on installing centaur fencing.

Advantages of HTP Rail Fencing
If you’re looking for the picturesque appearance of the traditional wooden horse fence, HTP Rail has the same appearance of wood without the same high maintenance. HTP will not splinter, rust, or rot, and is highly durable. Horses cannot crib on HTP rail, because of its smooth surface, and the fence is designed to withstand the expansion and contraction caused by fluctuating weather. While you need to paint, repair, and re-nail wood fencing on a regular basis, HTP Rail is virtually maintenance-free, reducing your labor time and cost.

HTP Rail offers superior safety, thanks to its innovative design. High tensile steel wires that have been polymer-coated lend the fence incredible strength, while also absorbing impact without splintering. HTP Rail is designed as a single line of fencing, adding to its impact absorbing capability. The fencing is available in a variety of different sizes, all of which have different break strengths, so you can choose the fence size that is appropriate for your horses.
In short, HTP Rail offers an attractive appearance – and it’s available in a variety of colors. This fencing creates a solid barrier to keep your horse contained, while also absorbing impact and keeping your horse safe. This attractive fencing can add value to your property while requiring little maintenance.
Find more information and purchase HTP rail fencing from Redstone Supply.

Advantages of HTP Line Fencing
HTP Line Fencing offers the strong and safe advantages of HTP fence while creating a sleek, minimal fencing appearance. HTP Line features high tensile steel wire coated in polymer. The polymer coating makes the wire more horse-friendly, keeping it from cutting into a horse’s coat while still allowing the line to be both flexible and strong.
If you’re looking to bring a modern touch to your property, HTP Line may be the way to go. The fencing is sophisticated and professional looking, and won’t rust, stretch, or fade. Highly durable, HTP line is strong enough to keep your horses contained. Additionally, it will not cut or cause abrasions, so even the injury-prone horse can be safely contained with HTP Line.
HTP Line Horse Fencing

HTP Line is low-cost and easily customizable; you can add as many lines into your fencing as necessary. Its excellent durability means that it is a good fencing choice even in harsh climates. Because HTP Line is thin, coupling the line with a top rail of visibility fencing can make it more easily visible to horses .
Find more information and purchase HTP line fencing from Redstone Supply.
How Electric HTP Works
Electric HTP, also known as Hot-Coat HTP, combines the strength and durability of HTP fence with the added deterrent of electrical fence, all while keeping horses safe. Electric HTP is made of three galvanized high tensile steel wires which are polymer coated. The fencing conducts electricity, so it can be electrified to help deter horses from challenging the fence, along with offering protection from predators trying to get into the fence. Electric HTP can also absorb impact, reducing the chance of a horse being injured if he should run into the fence.

When electrified, an Electric HTP fence will deliver a shock to any horse or animal that touches the fence. By adjusting the fence charger, you can tailor the shock so that it is strong enough to startle the animal without causing any real harm or injury. Horses will quickly learn to associate touching the fence with the delivery of a shock, and will adjust their behavior to avoid the fence. Because Electric HTP trains horses to avoid touching the fence, horses are less likely to lean on or challenge the fence, reducing the amount of maintenance needed and wear on the fence.

In addition to serving as a safe and effective barrier, Electric HTP offers an attractive appearance that brings the look of a traditional horse farm to your property. Its smooth lines and excellent visibility make it an excellent choice when selecting fencing based on appearance, and Electric HTP is available in a variety of colors.
With a variety of fencing types available, Centaur Fencing can help you to keep your horses safely contained in style.

Contact: Our Friendly Staff
2280 U.S. Route 30
Oswego, Illinois 60543
Phone: 815-570-5109
Email: sales@redstonesupply.com
Website: redstonesupply.com

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