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Quality, Affordable ARENA WERKS Drags
For over 22 years, Arena Werks owner and founder, Randy Snodgress of Joshua, Texas,
has invested his life building quality arena grooming equipment.
Randy knows that your arena isn’t like your neighbor’s arena. Every arena is different: having different
soils, enduring different weather conditions, having different water needs, and being used in different
equine sports and disciplines. That’s why Arena Werks designed (5) different drag models. Each can be
configured in different widths and with options for rippers, water, and compactors to accommodate your
needs as well as your arena condition. The best part of all is a quality American made product and affordably priced.
The original round harrow is based on designs from horse-drawn rotary harrows. From the beginning,
Arena Werks listened to the customer. People would say they liked our drag but wished it did this or
did something different. Arena Werks heard the customer. As a result, they developed the Arena
Werks II, the Arena Werks with the buggy for people who don’t have tractors, the Arena Werks Jr.,
and then the H20 Pro (with water). It was the users that built the success of Arena Werks drags. Arena Werks listened and built what the customer needed and wanted.
All of the drags have one feature in common, the drag rotates, taking the high spots of the dirt spinning it
around and depositing them in the low spots. It grabs all the dirt even the dirt that gets thrown up on the
rail around the arena fence, spins it around and throws it back into the middle leaving no ruts, high spots, or holes.
The result is a safe, level, and even footing creating a base that keeps horse and rider performing at their
best and in safe conditions. Randy knows that different kinds of dirt require different equipment. When
you are done, the most important thing is that the footing you are working your horse on optimizes their performance while protecting their footing.
With (5) five different models they have the drag for every kind of soil condition. If you have clay, black
gumbo, or sand the same configuration of the drag does not work. Arena Werks fits the equipment to
the arena surface and the user’s needs. They constantly look for ways to improve and optimize their
equipment. Each drag goes through a process of development and improvement to assure their performance while creating the desired results.
Over the years, Arena Werks has worked ground in all different kinds of arenas; from ground up tennis
shoes to fiber to stone dust to heavy clays, loose sands, and everything in between. Arena Werks used
this experience to create the drags they offer today. Other drags may only work on perfect footing but
Arena Werks makes their living making bad footing good, safe, and horse and rider friendly. For users that need economy, the original Arena Werks rotary harrow does an excellent job with an
affordable price in loose sand or medium clays. If you don’t have hydraulics but need the harrow to be
more aggressive on your dirt, you can add 1” teeth or ten arms to the harrow and the extra arms will add 100 pounds therefore making the drag more aggressive and a better arena finish.
In tighter soils, they designed and built the Arena Werks II. Equipped with hydraulics and ripper teeth,
this drag gets the job done. If you need this type of drag and don’t have hydraulics, Arena Werks offers a manually operated model drag as well.
For users that don’t have quite enough tractor but still need a more aggressive arena drag, they have the
Arena Werks Jr. which only has three ripper teeth in the front but still is an excellent arena groomer.
According to John Ivy of Ivy Leather, “It’s one for the best pieces of equipment I’ve ever bought for my ranch.”
For those who don’t have a tractor, they built the Arena Werks Buggy. The buggy hooks to a Gator,
Ranger, Mule, 4-wheeler, or pickup. The original Arena Werks Harrow is attached to the buggy which in turn is pulled by the ATV or pickup. In other words, no tractor…no problem!
That leaves the ultimate arena drag: The Arena Werks H20 Pro, which is the official drag of the National
Snaffle Bit Association, Reichert Celebration, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Paint Horse Association, American Pinto Horse Association, Palomino Horse Breeders of America, and The March
Mania. Also, many riding clubs and sheriff’s posses and cowboy churches chose the Arena Werks H20
Pro as their official drag. Some of the associations over the years have tried other arena conditioners but have always come back to Arena Werks.
When the shows are all done and the politics are over and you go back to the maintenance yards at the
facilities, the arena drag of choice chosen by the facilities is Arena Werks H20 Pro. It works everything
from heavy clay to ground up tennis shoes to perfect footing. And best of all, it is an affordable,
economical drag that creates the desired footing while adding water so that you are not drying out your ground moisture when you drag your arena.
Jack Owen, ApHc’s and APHA’s arena manager, and in charge of the dirt at the National and World
Shows, said, “We find that after testing many different types of name brand ground implements including
Kiser’s TR-3 and DragMaster, Ground Hog, and Reveal 4 in 1, we prefer the Arena Werks H20 Pro.
It simply does a better job. The Arena Werks H20 Pro rips , tills, finishes, and even allows you to apply water while you work your arena.”
Arena Werks has been used everywhere from dressage at Devon to the Olympics to deer plots. The
Arena Werks drag can be found in maintenance yards at most fairgrounds and horse facilities as the arena harrow of choice when the big horse shows are gone.
What makes the Arena Werks Rotary Harrow excel compared to other arena drags on the market? It is
the circular motion that takes the high spots of dirt and spins them around and deposits them in the low spots creating a safe, level and even footing.
The basic straight drag harrow won’t fill in your low spots, it will just run over the high spots and not
level the ground under the top level of dirt. It can’t get the dirt off of the rail and move it back to the middle which leaves ruts in the arena footing.
With Arena Werks drags, you are able to water, rip, level, and smooth all in one pass. And with no
corners on the drag, you are able to get close to the fence without hooking the fence post. Arena Werks
offers quality in the preparation of arena footing which not only gets the desired footing but does not
damage the arena post or panels. Their harrows also work well on all types of different footing used today by ropers, reiners, barrel racers, western pleasure, cutting, and English riders.
Arena Werks harrows are so adaptable and user friendly, they are often used in orchards, baseball
diamonds, and even landscaping in getting the soil ready for laying sod or preparing the base for the entire landscape plan.
No matter what your needs, Arena Werks has the drag for you. Quality American made construction;
you can be assured that your Arena Werks not only does a great job in preparing the footing in your arena but it is affordable and it will last a lifetime.
Snodgress Equipment 2200 CR 705 Joshua, Texas 76058 Phone: 800-644-3724 Email: ArenaWerksInfo@sbcglobal.net Website: arenawerks.com |
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