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Horse Training Articles, Horse Care Articles

Trip Planning with HorsesHow to Plan Your Horse Trip
Planning travel with horses

Article by: Nick Godfrey for Equalizer Systems Hydraulic Jack For Horse Trailers

Preparation –
Clearly, preparation for the next event begins well before the day you plan to ride!

Tim Anderson Horsemanship How to Start a Horse BusinessHow To Start A Profitable Horse Related Business

A big hurdle that many face when learning how to start a horse related profitable business is treating it like a business!
By Tim Anderson

John Lyons is Challenged by Our Morgan Mare SplendorIt Was 1989 and John Lyons Gave a Horse Training Demonstration
The One in Ten by Ann Pruitt
There were about 200 people at John's event that day, but you could have heard a pin drop as this beautiful little horse entered the arena.

Bryan NeubertAcquiring Softness in Horse Training 
Our definition: Getting your horse in a position and in a frame of mind to accept a request, whatever that may be.       
By Bryan Neubert

How to Lead Your HorseLeading Your Horse - Who's Leading Who? By Steve Sikora
I consider riding horses an athletic endeavor, the basics are what make the difference between being average or being a superstar. Often times it is the execution of these basics that separate the good from the great. In my opinion, leading properly is the most important skill to have your horse master.

Horse Trainer Self Control. My horse is stuck! By Steve Sikora
Once our emotion is up, teaching becomes very ineffective. The best solution for all involved is to stop and take a break, and give us the needed space to cool down.

Emergency Plan for Horse Owners
Horse Evacuation,Emergency Plan for the Horse Owner : When it’s Time to Go!
If fire or flood is a threat your horses must be led to a secure area.
Have an emergency plan and practice it before the disaster occurs.
Remember all your family and pets should be included in the evacuation plan.

Robert Pruitt CEO InfoHorse and his horse Dream!Articles by Robert Pruitt CEO InfoHorse.com
About InfoHorse.com
My PMU Horse, Dream
Horse Lessons Series - Lessons From Sam by Robert Pruitt
Basic First Aid for Horses including Suggestions for Your Equine First Aid Kit
John Lyon's Bright Zip Remembered 1975-2003

Lead Change Honesty Horse Training
Richard WintersAre You And Your Horse Prepared?
A Little More Leg Horsemanship
Broadening the Horsemanship Envelope
Mechanics Versus Psychology Horse Training
Direction and Drive Horse Training
Help Wanted! Horsemanship Journey
Getting The Proper Bend In Your Horse's Body
Is Your Horse’s Head In The Game?
Get That Hip Over!
From Rider to Horseman
Look Out For Equine Magnets
What's Up With Cowboy Dressage?
Hay or Cubes? That is the Question
Horses and Cows
Perfecting The Circle
Executing the Canter Departure
Teaching Our Horses A Better Back Up
Handling Horse Competition Pressure
Colt Starting – Getting It Right!
Making A Cow Horse Turn

Horse Training - Reading The Signs
Preparing Your Horse For The Real World
My Horsemanship Speech
How To Ride A Big Motor Horse
Teaching Your Horse the Haunches-In Maneuver
Follow Your Horse's Fears
How To Pony a Horse
Watch That Eye to keep Your Horse in Frame
Colt Starting Guidelines with Richard Winters
Good Horse Management and Pasture Practice
Saddle Horse Versus Pack Horse with Richard Winters
Improving Your Horsemanship with Richard Winters
Understanding Horse Auctions
Putting Our Horses Through the Full Range of Motion
How Horses Learn with Richard Winters
The Art of Horsemanship With Richard Winters
Colt Starting with Richard and Sarah Winters
One Hundred Palominos! with Richard Winters
Canter Departures with Richard Winters Horsemanship
Hobble Training Your Horse with Richard Winters

Rein Management with Richard Winters
Rein Management Part II With Richard Winters
Round Pen Reasoning Your Horse with Richard Winters
The Equine Pre-Ride Check, Richard Winters
Keeping Your Horse Balanced with Richard Winters
Horseback Riding in the Water, Just Another Day at the Beach from Richard Winters
Rein Communication
Rein Communication
If I pick up on the bridle reins, I expect something to happen. My horse needs to yield, give and or slow down. 
Richard Winters Horsemanship

Is Your Horse Really Broke? By Richard Winters Horsemanship
Training a Horse to Carry a Flag, Patriotic Preparation Richard Winters
No Horse Training Short Cuts By Richard Winters Horsemanship

Understanding the Snaffle Bit  From Richard Winters Horsemanship
Horse Training is Feel, Timing, and Balance by Richard Winters
Are You Ready For A Horsemanship Clinic? by Richard Winters
Teaching Your Horse To Handle A Rope by Richard Winters
Teaching Your Horse To Handle A Rope - Part II Richard Winters
Performance Horsemanship with Richard Winters
True Horsemanship – A Life Long Journey from Richard Winters
How to Develop Our Horses Speed with Control by Richard Winters
Fixing the Barn Sour, Gate Sour, Buddy Sour Horse with Richard Winters
Introducing Horses to Cattle Work Performance Horsemanship with Richard Winters
Cross Country Horse Hauling  A two month horsemanship tour. Richard Winters
Control Your Horses Movement - Connecting Down to the Feet By Richard Winters
Performance Horsemanship, Rein and Leg Management Richard Winters
Riding with Straightness, Performance Horsemanship with Richard Winters
Richard Winters is the Winner of the 2009 Road to the Horse
Colt Training, by Richard Winters
Four Part Harmony, by Richard Winters
Riding The Seemingly Simple Circle by Richard Winters
Starting Horses on Cow Work Down The Fence by Richard Winters
Colt Starting Part 1. What Can You Expect in Sixty Days?
Colt Starting Part 2 One Step at a Time
Colt Starting Part 3, Mounting Up and Riding Off
Bridling Problems

Charles F. Wilhelm Horse Training ClinicianFoundation by Charles F. Wilhelm

So, what exactly is foundation? Foundation is the process of gaining control of your horse on three different levels: physical (where and how the horse moves), emotional (the horse's fear level), and mental (what the horse is thinking). Think of it as a three-sided pyramid: the base resting on the ground is the foundation you need for your horse.

Developing Horse Riding ConfidenceTake the lead - Developing Horse Riding Confidence
By Evon Montgomery

How to Select the Horse that is Right for You!Buying a Horse, It isn’t the Color of the Horse…By Tracy Porter
Buying a horse is the easiest part of the process;  if it doesn’t meet your needs, selling it is the hardest part.

Clipping and Bridling Your Horse By Tracy Porter
Without Drawin' Blood or Beatin' Yer Hoss!
First let's look at the 'root' of the problem.  The clipper, bit, de-worming tube or dental instruments represent a level of pressure that the horse can't handle.  Instead of starting with what he can't handle, we need to look for the level the horse can comfortably handle.

How to choose the right horse for you.How to Pick the Right Horse
Choosing the right horse for you is a process, but you shouldn’t make yourself feel pressured or hurried.
Article from Evon Montgomery Creator of THE HORSES 1, 2, 3 SYSTEM

Josh Lyons, John LyonsLooking for a Horse Trainer?
Many horse owners at some time or another seek out a trainer to work with their horse. With today’s sources, magazines to Internet, finding a trainer may be quite easy. Knowing what to look for in a trainer may be a different matter.  I would like to give you a few suggestions to consider as you search.

By John Lyons for the Lyons Legacy Horse Trainer Program

Jeff Spencer
Bits By Jeff Spencer of the Spencer Training & Horsemanship School
Have you ever been confused about bits? Here are some tips on bit selection
Warming Up Your Horse Right by Jeff Spencer
 Be sure your horse is mentally or physically ready to go to work.

Nathan Coffman
Round Penning Starting a horse is a lot like building a house.  If you don’t have a good foundation, the house will collapse. by Nathan Coffman Training
Neck Reining  vs.  Shoulder Reining  by Nathan Coffman Training
Trailer Loading 101 by Nathan Coffman
DON’T “BABY” YOUR BABY By Nathan Coffman
Be Aware that your Foal Behavior Could Become Your Adult Horse Behavior!

Understanding your horse with Tips to Improve Your Horses Training By Kim Keppick
Like it or not everything you do on your horse is either training him or un-training him!

How To Help Horses That Bite By Sarah Burnside

Lyons Legacy Online Horse TrainingHow Online Training Can Help Both Horse and Rider

Lyons Legacy Online Horse Training is a Friendly Community of Next Level Horsemanship.

Josh Lyons from Lyons Legacy Horse TrainingJosh Lyons, Horse Training Clinician Gives Back to Veterans at Warrior Ranch
At the Warrior Ranch Foundation, each of the veterans – and the horses – have their own story. The Rhode Island ranch brings them together and with the help of elite horse trainers, helps them to write a new chapter.
Article from Lyons Legacy

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