Horsemanship Course by Irv Lozier
You know who the boss is at the Box "R" Ranch? That’s right, you are!
After several years of occasional requests and recently increasing interest and encouragement, we are adding optional and thorough basic horsemanship courses to several of our weekly vacations
in 2010.
No Matter Who You Are, novice or 50 year veteran astride a horse, there is something to be learned from the collective knowledge and horseman-ship skills of proven methods, riding
professionals and the best traits of different and numerous teaching/learning aids made available to us today.
The biggest trick usually is to set aside the time and a simple curriculum to allow each of us the opportunity to successfully complete one phase before being rushed into another or a riding
difficulty we are not really prepared for yet. These basic courses are designed to augment and extend our original orientation program, with personalized group and semi-private instruction on ½
day basis for three days, allowing everyone ample time to enjoy all the other attractions and activities at the Box "R" Ranch.
The Basic Horsemanship Course will be offered during our summer "Ranch Riders and Round-up"
weeks from July - August (Sunday to Sunday vacations). Course instruction to include 1)Ground School Techniques; 2) Arena Presentations; and 3) Open Riding.
Please feel free to inquire about the course curriculum by visiting our website or telephoning 1-800-822-8466.
COWBOY GEAR TO THE BOYS & GIRLS AT THE YELLOWSTONE BOYS & GIRLS RANCH. Put life back into those old boots, hats, gloves and saddles by donating them to the boys and girls at
the Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch. The ranch is also accepting contributions for an indoor riding arena to aid the kids by incorporating a therapeutic riding program. The kids get real
excited when they know that there are people at there who take a moment to enjoy the gift of giving. Send Cowboy gear to: Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch, Attn: Lisa Frazier, 1732 S. 72nd
St. W., Billings, MT 59106-3599.
Send Donations to: Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch Foundaytion, P.O. Box 80807, Billings, MT 59108; or via www.yellowstonefoundation.org (secure site), or call (406) 655-2100 for more information.
Contributions are tax deductible-non profit organization. Thank you,
Irv Lozier, Box "R" Ranch
Contact: Our Friendly Staff P. O. Box 100 Cora, Wyoming 82925 Phone: 800-822-8466 Email: info@boxr.com
Website: www.boxr.com/
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