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GREEN Rubber Stall Mats
Humane Horse Stall Mat Manufacturer

By Mick Johnson –

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GREEN ???  Let’s put this term into perspective as our horses really don’t have a
               preference as to the color of their stall mats. But, we as animal care providers do care about our environment, the environment our animals live in, and the proper use of non-toxic eco-friendly products.

The purpose of CLEAN GREEN is that it addresses complications from exposure as well as damage to the environment from companies that use or manufacture products that contribute to allergic sensitivities, reduced immunity, and contribution to cancer and other diseases.

The WHY?---WHAT?---WHO? of Rubber Stall Mats from Recycled Rubber

We love and care for our horses 24/7; they in return give us what we have trained and groomed them to provide for us. So, it’s only natural that we would want to provide comfort and safety to our animals. Rubber matting reduces bedding costs, lessens the chance of injury, gives traction, and insulates against cold & damp. Remember they are portable, easily cleaned & maintained, and they interlock to form a non-shifting stall. A quality mat made from “CLEAN GREEN” recycled rubber, by a reputable manufacturer that only produces eco-friendly products, is WHY? you should consider rubber stall mats for your horses.

Knowing WHY? we need rubber mats is convincing and obvious! But, WHAT? Should we look for to determine “CLEAN GREEN” products? Helping to understand the concept of “CLEAN GREEN” will help us relate to what is a quality environmentally safe rubber horse stall mat.

C--- Contamination free – No wire or nylon fabric, no fillers present
L--- Low maintenance – No adhesives required to lay floor
E--- Energy conserving – Less petroleum to produce (unlike virgin rubber & laminate)
A--- Affordable – Highest percent of recycled content with a long life cycle
N--- NO harmful gasses – Recycled rubber that has never been in a landfill

This term basically refers to non-toxic eco-friendly cleaning. Current research links chronic long time exposure to multiple sources of toxins from air, water, and ingestion to incidence of disease. Green Cleaning companies, using environmentally friendly products, commonly pursue sustainable business practices and is held to a higher standard.

In the pursuit of finding the right stall mats for your horses, consider a company with not only a good reputation of serving the industry with quality mats; but one that has long time experience revulcanizing & recycling rubber buffings. Choose a company that is friendly to the environment by using sustainable manufacturing practices and uses only CLEAN GREEN recycled landfill free rubber. Also consider the life of the product, safety, affordability, customer service, and future availability of like products.

Humane Manufacturing Co., LLC, writer of this article, has been a manufacturer of quality products for 103 years and a revulcanizer of CLEAN GREEN rubber buffings for 40 years. Humane Manufacturing is totally integrated from controlling a substantial supply of rubber to the production of the finished mat.

Humane uses sustainable manufacturing practices by using recycled rubber buffings that have never been exposed to a landfill and have been cleaned of all filler, wire, nylon cord, and any other contaminant associated to rubber tires. Humane recycled rubber flooring is solid throughout the mat and revulcanized under heat & pressure. This means more recycled content, no wear layer that breaks down, and takes less petroleum to produce.

When considering using rubber stall mats for your horses, choose Humane Manufacturing Co. for all the right reasons. It’s an environmentally friendly product that exceeds the ADA standard for traction and has low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds). The mats will not roll, buckle, or curl. They resist moisture and are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. When compared to other mats they are less expensive than virgin rubber products, and carry a 12 year limited warranty. Humane created LOKTUFF ®  Interlock flooring and continues to lead the industry in quality and innovation.

When you buy Humane Manufacturing Co. products YOU are investing in a CLEAN GREEN environment for everyone and every living thing to enjoy.


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