Metal Horse Barn Information
Metal barns do not need to be repainted or re-stained every couple of years and are not susceptible to
warping, cracking, rotting, mold, infestations, and other issues commonly occurring with wood structure Article from Carport Central Barns
In the market for a new barn? This is a great time to make your purchase. There are currently a wide variety of wood and
metal barns out there to choose from. While metal barns have be-come increasingly popular over the last couple of decades,
many people don't know much about what they are made of, how they perform over time, and what customization options are
available. Here is a list of commonly asked questions about metal barns, along with answers from experts in the field.
1.Can Metal Barns Withstand Strong Storms As Well As Wooden Barns?
Answer: Yes. Depending on where you live, it is important to understand which metal barn de-signs will work best with your
climate. For example, if you live in an area prone to hurricanes or high winds and hail, you will want to go with a 12- or 14
-gauge steel that can handle wind speeds of up to 130 miles per hour and is more dent-resistant than higher gauge steel barns.
The anchors used during an installation will also be a factor. Choose a highly rated metal build-ing manufacturer with the
experience to help you make the best decisions regarding the op-tions for metal horse barns or metal storage barns in your area.
2. Which Is Cheaper: A Metal or Traditional Wood Barn? Answer: Metal barns are significantly less expensive than wood barns to install. In fact, you can get a small horse barn made
with 12- or 14-gauge steel for about $4,500 from Carport Central with delivery and installation included. And the savings
don’t end there—metal barns are virtu-ally maintenance free for years after installation. If you are a do-it-yourself expert, a
variety of metal barn kits, including metal horse barn kits and metal pole barn kits, can be purchased and picked up for an additional discount.
3. Will a Metal Barn Require More Maintenance? It is a common misconception that steel buildings require more maintenance. In fact, the exact opposite is true. High-quality
metal barns are manufactured using galvanized steel, which inhib-its rust. In fact, it does such a good job that Carport Central
offers a 20-year warranty on rust through when you purchase one of our buildings with a 12- or 14-gauge galvanized steel frame.
In addition, unlike traditional wood barns, metal barns do not need to be repainted or restained every couple of years and are
not susceptible to warping, cracking, rotting, mold, infestations, and other issues commonly occurring with wood structures. In
short, custom metal barns are largely maintenance free, leaving you with more time to do what you do best.
4. What Type of Foundation Do I Need for a Metal Barn Installation? Answer: You can install metal barns on a variety of foundations, including soil, gravel, asphalt, or concrete. If you are pouring
a concrete base, wait at least 72 hours before installing the barn.
5. Can I Insulate My Metal Barn? Answer: Absolutely. Whether you are installing custom horse barns, steel storage sheds, or any other type of steel building,
insulation will provide you, your animals, or your equipment with better protection from the heat and cold. It will also prevent
condensation or “sweating” from collecting inside your barn and will prevent much of your heat from escaping. Carport
Central can install bubble installation while installing your new barn, or you can add insulation later on.
6. Can I Make Additions to My Metal Barn After It Has Already Been In-stalled?
Answer: Yes! You can easily make additions to a metal barn or any other metal building after it has been installed. Of course,
in the long run it is less expensive to have your custom metal barn built initially with everything you want.
7. What Customization Options Do I Have with a Metal Barn? Answer: There are a wide variety of customization options to choose from when making your storage barn or horse barn
plans! You can pick the barn style, roof style, size dimensions, color, door types, windows, and more. Check out our Custom Metal Barns Buying Guide at Carport Central for details.
8. My State Requires My Barn to Be a Certified Building. What Does That Mean? Answer: A certified building is simply a building that is built to specifications and certified by a professional engineer to meet
local building requirements, such as wind and snow load, to in-sure safety and protect the public. Check the requirements
specific to your area before you go forward with installation plans. If you do need a certified building, Carport Central has
knowl-edgeable customer service representatives available to help you through the process.
Regardless of what you plan on doing with your new barn, quality metal horse barns, like those offered by Carport Central,
can meet and exceed your expectations without breaking the bank. We have a huge selection of metal barns for sale, including large and small horse barns, metal barn kits, and more. Check out our all of our metal barns here, or contact one of our
friendly cus-tomer service representatives at 844-860-4950 for more information.
Contact: Jody Casstevens 731 Sunset Drive Mount Airy, North Carolina 27030
Phone: 844) 860-4950 or (980) 321-9898 Email: info@carportcentral.com Website: carportcentral.com
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