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Providing Year-Round Comfort for Your Horses
MacroAir HVLS Fans
MacroAir Technologies

Horses are extremely sensitive animals.  Drafts and poor air quality can lead to respiratory infections.

High volume low speed (HVLS) air-circulating fans are known for their ability to provide comfort for horses by cooling large areas in warm weather, but did you also know that they can be used to significantly increase comfort and reduce heating costs during winter months, as well? 

By mixing air to eliminate varying temperatures at different levels in your barn or equine facility, a process called destratification, specialized HVLS air movement systems are designed to provide year-round comfort for your horses and their handlers in your barn or equine facility.

Horses are extremely sensitive animals.  Drafts and poor air quality can lead to respiratory infections, as well as create an uncomfortable environment for horses and handlers alike!  MacroAir high volume low speed fans are able to circulate and distribute air without creating drafts while keeping flying insects and birds away from your horses.  The large moving air mass created by MacroAir fans won’t create or stir up dust and their remarkably quiet operation won’t create unnecessary distraction for you or your animals. 

Ranging in size from 8 to 24 feet in diameter and combining technology with a unique application of the laws of physics, HVLS air-circulating fans are ideal for use in large industrial, commercial, and agricultural/farm buildings.  These air movement systems uniquely generate a large column of air that flows down to the ground and outward 360 degrees.  The large, slow moving air mass moves throughout the entire space, mixing and circulating air more efficiently than any other type of industrial fan.

This distinctive method of moving air creates a cool breeze in summer that circulates and distributes air without creating drafts or stirring up dust.  This gentle moving of the air breaks up the moisture -saturated boundary layer surrounding the body, accelerating evaporation and producing a cooling effect for horses and their human caretakers alike.

During winter months, heat rising to the top of your building can create a temperature differential in excess of 15 degrees from your ceiling to your floor.  To address this variance in temperatures, HVLS fans designed to run in reverse can effectively combine elevated heat with cool air at the floor level.  This destratification of the uneven temperatures at varying levels in a large building provides a more comfortable, uniform temperature while saving money on heating costs.  Additionally, these fans also offer efficient ventilation, minimizing the loss of warm or cool air, as well, which reduces on-going heating and air conditioning costs.  No other commercial fan, system, or ventilation technology does this better.

The industry leader in HVLS technology and products is MacroAir.  Established on the principles of simple innovation and continuous improvement, MacroAir is constantly striving to provide the best, most energy-efficient and cost-effective HVLS air movement systems.  MacroAir’s six-blade fan design is uniquely optimized to have fewer moving parts than the ten-blade fan systems produced by competitors. 
With fewer moving parts, MacroAir fans move more air with little to no energy draw.  For a customer’s review of a side-by-side comparison of MacroAir’s air movement system to that of their competitors,
See the video entitled “ Took The Challenge.”

By keeping a focus on function – from the initial design of a product to its marketing – MacroAir is committed to creating better products that move more air, create more comfort, and save you more money all year-round.

Contact: Our Friendly Staff
794 S Allen Street
San Bernardino, California 92408
Phone: 866-668-3247

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