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 The Special Needs of Mares a Product Article by Smooth Run Equine
Mare and foal.

Owning a mare can be one of the most rewarding and frustrating experiences at the same time.

Few of us that own mares are not aware of how their disposition and hormone balance are closely linked.  It is also reasonably well known that horses with digestive problems can also suffer changes in temperament.  So, is there a link between these two conditions? Can hormone changes affect your mare’s digestive tract?

When a mare comes into season she releases various hormones (oestrogens) into the bloodstream to regulate egg development and release, and to prepare the uterus for pregnancy.  During this period the mare’s behavior can change.  She may become irritable or sluggish and easily tired; her appetite may become erratic and she can become extremely sensitive to touch.  She may also exhibit cramping, and restricted movement during work.  Many of these behavioral changes are also clearly seen when digestive balance is upset.

Changes in the acid balance of the gut can be caused by many factors, including hormone changes and imbalances.  There are direct links between blood supply (which carries the hormones released by a mare in season) and digestion, with one of the key digestive juices, bile, carrying waste materials from the blood, plus the products of cholesterol metabolism.

Healthy digestion requires a fine balance of the bacterial population in the intestine, which is crucial to the successful breakdown and absorption of food constituents.  If this balance is upset, through changes in pH or diet, the bacterial population suffers resulting in indigestion.  Symptoms of this poor digestion range from diarrhea or looseness in severe instances to milder stress related behavior, such as discomfort, inconsistency and irritability.  All these symptoms can be reversed by rebalancing the microbial population with a high quality probiotic/digestive enzyme blend and healing herbs to balance the hormones.

Smooth Run Equine’s Smooth Mare nutritional supplement contains that high quality probiotic and digestive enzyme blend, along with a synergistic blend of herbs and other critical nutrients specifically addressing hormone imbalances. We also add pure bovine colostrum that directly bolsters the immune system.  The formula restores hormone balance and the digestive bacteria population naturally, re-establishing the correct acidity and digestive health.  Tests in many varied conditions show how establishing the optimum bacterial balance in the gut can have a significant impact on improving behavioral problems.

Perhaps then, ‘Mare’s Moodiness can in fact be linked to indigestion.  Next time your mare is in season consider whether the hormone release is ultimately upsetting the digestive balance and creating associated behavioral problems. Simply added to the daily feed program for maintenance or administered before and/or during the heat cycle, Smmoth Run Equine’s Smooth Mare will ensure the beneficial bacteria population in the gut is at optimum levels, helping to minimize the effects of any changes in blood chemistry from hormone changes contributing to behavioral problems.

About Smooth Run Equine
Smooth Run Equine products supply an optimal source of micro-encapsulated probiotics with digestive enzymes and pure bovine colostrum to soothe and balance the digestive tract. These ingredients make up the foundation of all our supplement formulas, and work to optimize the absorption of vitamin and mineral mix. It began in 2001 when we have partnered with renowned Microbiologist Animal Scientist Dr. Jung Fu Wu, of Cenzone Tech Inc. to develop a complete line of animal supplements for your companions. Dr. Wu holds a PhD in Microbiology, Masters Degree in Immunology, Animal Science and Zoology and Bachelors Degrees in Animal Science and Zoology.

We address every aspect of your horse’s individual health needs and well being. We have a vitamin horse supplement line that is all natural, and preservative free. We want only the highest quality and best ingredients for our horses, and we know you do too. See our about us page on our web site for the Smooth Run Story.

Smooth Mare
A unique blend of high quality pharmaceutical grade holistic herbs for promoting normal health structure and function for the Mare’s endocrine system. A specific combination of all natural herbs, to calm and relieve Pre-Menstrual behaviors, is derived from ancient Chinese herbal remedies. Ideal for mild mood changes, touchiness, crankiness, irritability and stress associated with the menstrual cycle. Smooth Run Equine’s Smooth Mare Nutritional Supplement is intended for the general well being of Mares.

Believing that the beneficial well being of all horses begins in the gut, our Smooth Run Equine horse supplement products begin with our exclusive propriety microencapsulated pro-biotic blend, and is included in our special Smooth Mare formula along with the highest quality pure bovine colostrums available to us, natural vitamins and minerals, and digestive enzymes. We are pleased to offer a horse nutritional supplement specific to maintaining a Mare’s normal healthy menstrual well being.

Are There Any Chemicals Or Fillers In Smooth Mare?
No, all Smooth Run products are all natural with no fillers so you are only paying for the supplements not premium price for alfalfa meal, soy, molasses, or even water. Remember when looking at products, the first ingredient listed is what the product contains the most of.

What Does Smooth Mare Contain?
Smooth Run Equine’s Smooth Mare nutritional supplement contains that high quality probiotic and digestive enzyme blend, along with a synergistic blend of pharmaceutical grade herbs and other critical nutrients specifically addressing the special needs of mares. We also add pure bovine colostrum that directly bolsters the immune system.  The complex pharmaceutical grade herbal formula supports normal hormone balance and the digestive bacteria population naturally, re -establishing the correct acidity and digestive health. 

What Do Customers Say About Smooth Mare?
Thank you for the smooth mare, a product I believe in for obvious reasons. Take a moody, girthy, biting, kicking and bucking mare to a major horse show? Your product changed all of these issues. We even did an all mare class. Not one bit of anything other than a beautiful performance. I now see her potential for the first time in 5 years. She is worth all the thousands we paid for her.
View other testimonials at our website!

Order Smooth Mare Today!
Smooth Run Equine
Don’t let your mare suffer needlessly when there is an all -natural supplement, Smooth Mare, to help with support of your mare’s hormonal fluctuations. Our customer’s see the difference, order today!
Contact: Annie Ryan~DiMeglio- Manager
10115 Covey Lane
Escondido, California 92026
Phone: 888-711-6218 / 760-751-8988

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