nasc - The National Animal Supplement Council
What Does It Mean Proud Members of the NASC ? The National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health of companion animals and horses.
NASC Members adhere to strict product good manufacturing practices and labeling standards.
NASC’s Quality Seal Program ensures that companies displaying the seal have passed a comprehensive facility audit, have a written
quality control manual, utilize an adverse event reporting system and follow proper label guidelines.
Why Is This Important To Me As a Consumer?
This “seal” from NASC means that the company volunteered to be “audited” and to have their product tested to make SURE that all the
ingredients listed to the consumer, were really there, and up to standard, as claimed by the company.
Why Would A Company Need To Be “Audited” To Check Ingredients?
Sometimes even the best intended maker of horse or dog supplements, do not realize that the ingredients listed on their label, don’t
match what is in their actual supplement. For many makers of supplements, this information is very helpful as it helps them adjust their
manufacturing process to ENSURE that what is on the label is actually IN the supplement you are feeding your animal!
Look For The NASC Seal Of Approval When Ordering!
As a consumer, you can be sure that products bearing the NASC seal were manufactured using the highest quality standards in the industry.
For more information, visit the NASC website!
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