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Horse Product Articles

Horse Product Articles,
Horse Information

The subject of horses is so broad that we decided to dedicate a place for the many excellent articles written by our advertisers regarding products that horse owners should be aware of.
Some of these products could change your life or even save the life of your equine companion. Some of these products could give you the advantage over your competitors at the next horse show. Some of the articles will just help you have more fun.

Enjoy spending time with your horse!

Horse Barn Accessories Articles, Horse Tack Articles

Wool Saddle Pads Protect Your Horse's Back
How to Protect Your Horse's Back with a 100% Pure Wool Saddle Pad
When it comes to caring for your horse’s well-being, the saddle pad you choose is just as important as the saddle itself. Article by 5 Star Equine Products

What you should know before ordering horse stalls.How to Choose Horse Stalls: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Perfect Horse Stalls
Owning a horse comes with many responsibilities, and one of the crucial decisions horse owners face is choosing the right stalls for their equine companions.
Article from Armour Horse Stalls

Best way to remove manure from your pasture.How to Remove Horse Manure from Your Pasture
Managing the amount of manure in your paddocks and pastures is an overwhelming and often dreaded aspect of being a responsible horse owner.

Selecting a Sound System for Your Horse Facility
How to Select A Sound System for Horse Clinics
Your first step is to select the appropriate sound system for your space.
Barb Paulsen for Equine Audio

Fresh Water for Horses Automatically with RitchieFresh Water for Life: Ritchie Automatic Waterers Keep Your Horse Healthy and Help the Environment
Fresh water on demand is the single, most important nutrient that you provide for your horse. Fresh water represents between 60 to 80 percent of your horse’s daily nutritional requirements.

How to Build Your Horse ArenaHow to Build a Horse Arena
Article from Footing First

How to Host a Successful Horse ClinicHow to Host a Successful Horse Clinic
Article by Barb Paulsen & C.M. Brown, Jr.
Horse clinics can be a fun and educational way to improve your skills, learn more about your horse/make a better connection with your horse, and make connections with others that share your love and appreciation for our equine partners.

Managing Mud around Horse FarmsWhat is the Best Mud Management Solution for Horse Farms?
by Debbie Disbrow


How to Build an Equestrian ArenaHow to Build an Equestrian Arena
Article from FootingFirst

Choosing the Best fence for Your Horse!How to Find the Best Horse Fencing
Shopping for horse fencing can be confusing... this is what you need to know!

by Debbie Disbrow

COVERMASTER Arena CoversHow to Protect your Arena Footing From Rain
Is your equestrian business disrupted by rain?

Horse Fencing PostsProper Posts for Your Horse Fencing
 One of the most important parts of fencing for your horses will be your posts. So lets start there and the rest of your fencing choices will automatically fall in place.
Article by Debbie Disbrow

Horse Arena FootingHow To Find The BEST Arena Footing
Arena surfaces come in many different types & price ranges.
Article from FootingFirst

Safe Fencing for FoalsSafe Fencing for Expectant Broodmares
If your broodmare is expecting this year, here are some fence and gate guidelines that will keep your new foal safe!
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Traveling with horses.How to Plan Your Horse Trip
Article by: Nick Godfrey for Equalizer Systems Hydraulic Jack For Horse Trailers

Horse Property LightingThe Ultimate Barn and Arena Lighting Guide for Horse Owners
How many times have you wished you had better lighting in your barn, arena, or along causeways? When it comes to handling horses, good lighting is more than a luxury; it’s a prerequisite to a healthy and safe horse experience.

Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Taking Care of Your Horse in Winter
Winter Horse Care; what do horses really need?
In this month’s article, we share a few responsibilities you can let slide in cold-weather months and one or two that should never be compromised.   
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Caring for Miniature HorsesThe Miniature Horse; feeding, turnout, and safe fencing.
Years of selective breeding have produced a tiny equine that retains all of the characteristics of a full sized horse.
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

How to remove non beneficial around horses7- Tips to Fight Flies and Mosquitoes on the Horse Farm
There’s nothing like a warm spring day to bring out the flying insects. It starts with those little gnats and flying midges and before you know it, the entire eco-system is humming with biting insects. They are more than irritating; pound for pound flies and mosquitoes are the most dangerous critters on earth.
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Best Choices in Horse Barn FlooringSmart Choices in Horse Barn Aisle Footing
by Karen Elizabeth Baril

CalMark Cover CompanyWhy You Should Put a Cover on Your Horse Trailer, Truck and Recreational Vehicle
Article from CalMark Cover Co.

ATV Trailers for Horse OwnersATVs Are  The All Purpose Tool For Horse Owners By D.P. Goossens  Country Manufacturing, Inc.
ATVs can be used for spreading manure and harrowing pastures and fields as well as hauling supplies and materials. These products can truly make your ATV the all-purpose piece of equipment around your horse property.

Designing a Horse FacilityDesign a Beautiful and Functional Equine Facility
Creating a master plan is critical to the success of any project. For most farm owners, saving money is going to be part of the equation.
Article written by Karen Elizabeth Bari

Use the Elgee Horse Barn Vacuum to Keep Your Barn CleanHow to Keep Your Horse Barn Clean by Elgee Mfg.
In Winter keeping your horse’s stable clean is paramount to ensuring that diseases don’t live or spread around your barn.

Winter Water for Your HorseWinter Water for Horses;  solve your winter water woes once and for all.
Water is the most important nutrient in your horse’s diet. Water keeps your horse’s joints lubricated, wards off colic, helps him to maintain his body temperature, and works to keep his nervous system strong.
Article written by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Horse Stable RepairsHorse Farm Repairs that Won’t Break the Bank

By Karen Elizabeth Baril

Insect Control for BarnsNatural Insect Control for Horse Barns
By Karen Elizabeth Baril
We do  our best to protect our horses by vaccinating them against vector-borne diseases and limiting exposure to biting insects outdoors. Fly sheets, fly masks, and spray go a long way to protecting them from insect bites in the field and paddock, but we also need to keep insects out of the barn. In this article, we’ll look at some natural ways to do just that

Minimize Liability and Keep Horses SafeHow To Keep Your Horses Safe, Minimizing Your Risk

Article written by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Importand Winter Horse Tips5-Tips to Tame Winter Horse Chores

We love the seasons, but as horse owners, winter weather makes horse-keeping challenging. Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Containing Your Horse in Camp
Home Away From Home.
Horse Containment in Camp.

No matter what containment option you choose, it's best to prepare your horse for camping at home. Veteran campers recommend setting up a practice camp on your horse's home turf.
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Horse Fencing ArticleHorse Fencing That is Safe, Strong, and Smart
by Karen Elizabeth Baril
Safe, strong, and smart. We’re not talking about your horse, though he’s strong and smart, too.

Horse Fencing Projects3-Spring Fence Projects You Can Plan Now
by Karen Elizabeth Baril
As farm owners, we’re expected to know what type of fencing we need for our unique situation. Paddocks or fields near busy roads, for instance, dictate secure and solid fencing; electric rope or tape is not enough. Other considerations include gender (stallions versus mares and foals), age, and even temperament.

Get Organized! Tips for Keeping the Barn and Tack Room Tidy
Get Organized! Tips for Keeping the Barn and Tack Room Tidy
A recent study showed that clutter triggers a stress response in humans.
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Hydrating Your HorseKeep Your Horse Hydrated in Every Season

We know that fresh, clean water is essential to our horse’s well-being. In fact, water is the foundation of our nutrition plan.
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Private Communication with Your Horse TrainerHow To Have Better Communication With Your Horse Trainer!

Whether you are just starting out or are a well-seasoned rider, taking regularly scheduled lessons with an experience trainer can help you step up your game.
Article from CEECOACH®

Horse Jumping Tips for Western RidersJumping Tips for Western Riders
Are you a western rider who might want to play around with jumping?  Maybe you are an avid back country trail rider, or a mountain trail competitive rider, both of whom need to be able to hop over a log, narrow creek or bale of straw safely. Article by Desiree Johnson for Smooth Stride Riding Jeans

Selecting a Safe Fan for Your Horse!The BEST Fan for Horse Stalls
Most fans seen in barns are absolutely NOT designed to be in a barn (or any agricultural setting).  So what is the big difference in fans?  Here are a few of the crucial differences between fans made for residential use versus agricultural use.
Article by Christy Schulthess

Manure Management SystemPasture Management and Manure Management for Horse Owners!
Keeping pastures healthy keeps your horses healthier, reduces your feed bills, reduces your physical labor and reduces the time away from your horses.
 Article from Super Scooper by Red Barn Products, LLC

Horse Fence PlanningTips for Planning Fence Layouts
A well-planned fence layout is not only beautiful and easy to maintain, but it’s also a real step-saver when doing barn chore
Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Native American Horse TackNative Americans Create Horse Tack: Pine Ridge Reservation
 It has taken four years for me to secure reliable artists who can find their way up out of the oppression.
Article by Elaine Castelao for ThinLine Tack.

Metal Horse Barn ArticleCommon Questions on Metal Horse Barns

 Metal barns do not need to be repainted or re-stained every couple of years and are not susceptible to warping, cracking, rotting, mold, infestations, and other issues commonly occurring with wood structure
Article from Carport Central Barns

Choosing Electric Horse FencingChoose the Right Electric Horse Fence for the Job

Electric fencing is one of the most effective methods of keeping horses safely in their paddocks or fields. Article by Karen Elizabeth Baril

Feed Your Horse AutomaticallyHow to make your horse happy!!

We all want a happy horse, but how do you accomplish that? Toys and ice cream work great for kids. New cars work great for adults. But what event in your horses’ life creates this same emotion?  
The answer is FOOD.
Article from Equine Automation Automatic Feed Dispenser

Planning Your Horse PastureHorse Pasture Planning and Design
Perhaps one of the most daunting tasks facing a new property owner planning to construct a new equestrian facility is the planning and layout of the property!
Article by Thomas L. Croce, Architects

The value of Elastic Kinesiology tape for equine.
The Value of Using Elastic Kinesiology Tape in Equine Training Programs by Dr. Bev Gordon
Elastic kinesiology taping has been popular in human athletics for many years, but its popularity has been markedly on the rise since the 2012 Summer Olympics, where many Olympians were seen wearing it during their competitions. Its proven success has led forward-thinking equine professionals to consider its use in equine health care and training programs, where they are witnessing firsthand its clinical benefits.

thinlinearthm0514What is the Best Saddle Pad Blanket for your horse?
Answer the question: Is your horse so much more comfortable in his back that he can perform better and happier?

Article by ThinlineGlobal

HTP Rail Horse Fencing Article
Advantages of HTP Rail Horse Fencing
Having good horse fencing is part of responsible horse ownership!
Article from Redstone Supply Horse Fencing and Farm Products

How to fit a bitless bridleHow to Fit a Bitless Sidepull Bridle
We are proud to work with Justin Dunn of Justin Dunn Mustang Horsemanship -
Justin's own words- "The typical question from my clients is, "What bit should I use?" My response is "Why do you want a bit?"
Article by Buckaroo Leather

Horse Stalls from Ramm Fencing and Stalls
Choose the Right Stall System - If you've priced stall systems, you know they represent a substantial capital investment for any farm. Whether your personal style leans towards a rich Tuscany look, the curvy lines of the British royal stable or a more standard look--- be sure to do your homework before you take out your checkbook.

Controlling Dust for Healthy Horse Respiratory System!Controlling Dust for Healthy Horse Respiratory System

Health of the Equine Respiratory System, Create a healthy Arena
Article by Teri Clark for ArenaClear.com

Horse Fencing 101 by Wind River FenceHorse Fencing 101
One could probably teach or take a semester long course on fencing. There are nearly as many types and brands of fences as there are breeds of horses. It is my intention in this brief article to touch on a few of the more popular types and offer the pros and cons of each.
Article by WindRiver Fence

Horse Leg Wraps and Bell BootsProtective and Supportive Leg Equipment for Your Horse
Advantages of Bell Boots and Leg Wraps For Horses- Some horses, no matter how light their workload, are prone to over-reaching, forging, or interfering and injuring themselves. Article by ThinLineGlobal

Best Horse Feeder for Horse StallsBest Feeder For Horse Stalls
Horses are grazers. They are designed to take in small meals all day long. To understand slow feeding we need to understand how a horse is programmed to eat vs. how we would like them to eat.
Featured Horse Product Article from
Pro Panel 3 in 1 Horse Feeder

Horse StallsChoosing Materials for Affordable Horse Stalls
Advantages of Aluminum Components for Horse Stalls that Look Great and Last!
Article from Armour Companies

Horse Trailer Tire Safety When trailering horses, the condition of your tires is of prime concern.
Article from L&S Safety Solutions

Horse Trailer Cameras Do I really need a trailer camera to monitor my horses while driving? Article from Trailer Eyes

Keeping Horses Warm in WinterKeeping Horses Warm in Winter
When winter winds begin to blow and snow starts to fly, many horse owners jump to bundle their babies into their heaviest blankets and batten down the hatches so their horses stay nice and warm in the barn. But although a snug stall and warm rug sound great to us, they’re actually contrary to what’s healthiest for most horses during the cold months.

Preventing Heat Stress in Horses!Preventing Heat Stress in Horses
Modern horses evolved in some of the world’s hottest areas, but over the centuries they’ve been bred to survive and excel in colder climates, while our intensive management strategies have simultaneously removed their natural coping mechanisms.
Article from Big Ass Fans

Woodstar Products Affordable Horse StallsAffordable Horse Stalls
Every horse owner has an idea of how he or she would like his or her horse to live. Nothing is too good for their prized possession… until that word, “budget” enters into the discussion.
by Woodstar Products, Inc.

Arena Werks Arena DragsQuality, Affordable Arena Werks Drags
For over 22 years, Arena Werks owner and founder, Randy Snodgress of Joshua, Texas, has invested his life building quality arena grooming equipment.
Article from Snodgress Equipment and arenawerks.com

Horse Toys for a healthy EnvironmentToys for Horses Create A Stimulating Environment For Both Horse and Rider
There are many principles involved in supporting your horse in mind, body and spirit.
By Lisa Ross-Williams

Ritchie Waters waters them right!Debunking Automatic Waterer Myths
Being in business for 90 years has allowed us to hear and understand what customers and other watering companies are saying about automatic waterers.  Below is a collection of the most popular automatic waterer myths and truths of 2011.
Article from Ritchie Industries Inc.

Selecting Horse StallsSelecting a Horse Stall Manufacturer for Your Dream Barn
When building your dream barn, selecting a horse stall manufacturer can be difficult. It is good to choose one with a variety of stall and barn products. By Armour Companies

Horse Stall VentilationBetter Horse Stall Ventilation by Design
There is a standing argument that the best place for the horse to live is “Outside”. When air quality is considered, it is difficult to argue against that point. Having said that, there are many good reasons to stall your horse.
By Michael Sullivan, Woodstar Products, Inc.

Ritchie WaterersHow to Choose the Right Horse Automatic Watering System
Automatic livestock watering systems have been around since the 1920’s but have evolved tremendously.
Article from Ritchie Waterers

Horse Arena FootingAffordable Horse Arena Footing
by Footing First, Official Manufacturer, Supplier, and Installer
of the Arena Footing for The National Horse Show in NY!
Footing First, LLC

Composting Horse Manure Rotary Composter By Sun State Organics, LLC

ATVs, the All Purpose Tool for Horse Owners by D.P. Goossens  Country Manufacturing

Riding Jeans Vs Regular Jeans, What’s the Difference? by The Horsewoman Spirit

How to Bathe Your Horse  By Jill Mari Embry inventor of The Magician Curry Wash

Horse Cooling Equine Facilities: Two Problems, One Solution Big Ass Fans
Automatic Horse Waterers or The Bucket – What Do You Do? by Dave Anderson

Choosing The Right Utility Vehicle for Your Horse Property from Bobcat©

Is Your Stall Safe? By D. P. Goossens, Country Manufacturing, Inc.

Better Ventilation for Better Stalls and Barns by Armour Gates Inc.

Providing Year-Round Comfort for Your Horses

More Horse Tack Articles
Riding with a bitless bridle.
‘ON-THE-BIT’: A Misleading and Mischievous Phrase
 The phrase ‘on the bit’ is misinterpreted by many dressage enthusiasts who compete under FEI rules.  As a result, they use the bit to achieve a certain frame and fail to realize that this is not collection. Robert Cook FRCVS, PhD article from The Bitless Bridle

Advantages of Wool for Horse Tack by Mike Easton 5 Star Equine Products

Saddle Pad Choice, The Saddle Pad Dilemma by ThinLine Inc. Saddle Pads

Fitting your Horse’s Bit, Resisting vs. Responding: Could It Be The Bit? By Kim Newell

EquiPedic, Inc. A Revolutionary Approach to Resolving Saddle Fit and Equine Comfort Issues.

No More Back Pain for Horse or Rider article by Thinline Inc.

MicroChips for Horses Getting your horse back. by AVID® The MicroChip Company

Leather Care Articles
Waterproofing Leather

Buckaroo LeatherBuckaroo Leather Uses Quality USA Raised & Cured Cowhides
and How to Care for Your Leather Tack
There are four stages in leather care: cleaning, conditioning,
polishing, and protection.
by Buckaroo Leather

Sweat and Leather Don’t Mix

Inhibiting Mold and Mildew

Fly Control Articles

Bee Protection and Bee Sting Treatment for Horse and Rider

Flies are bad for Horses! by Auto Mist Insect Control System

Hoof Care Articles

Equisport Horse MassagerHow Equine Massage Can Benefit Your Horse
Seeing a Man about a Horse Massager Product Article By Chelsea Lindemann HorseMassagers.com

The Science Behind Modern Hoof Sealants! by Dr. M. J. Pautienis and Dr. Richard Shakalis

Technology for Humans, Now Used To Repair Hooves By Ron Perszewski

Laminitis & Founder Prevention and Treatment for the Greatest Chance of Success Doug Butler

Hoof Health, Hoof Conformation for Horse Owners Monique Craig from EponaShoe

Founder Treatment by Monique Craig

The Soaking Boot™ Veterinarian-approved alternative to treating the #1 cause of lameness.

The Long Heels Myth from Vettec Hoof Care Products

The Horse named “United Steele” Hoof History and Hoof-it II Pads By Cyndee Pryor

Using the Easyboot Bare on a Barefoot Horse for Trail or Endurance Riding by Karen Chaton

Footing Article
GREEN Rubber Stall Mats by Mick Johnson –  Humane Manufacturing Co., LLC

Installing Rubber Stall Mats For Your Horse Stalls? by Tonia Frenzel, Humane Manufacturing

Why Should You Consider Rubber Stall Mats for YOUR Horse’s Stall?

Miscellaneous Articles
Caring For Your Horse Pasture and Paddock by Nature’s Lawn

Basic Horse Stable RequirmentsHow to Setup the Best Stable for Your Horse

The horse is a magnificent animal with the strength and power to carry you through life. But they require a lot of care, so it's essential that you understand your horse's needs and how to best meet them.
This article will cover the essentials of setting up a stable so your horse can live comfortably and in good health.

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About InfoHorse.com   ArticlesAcademic Schools, Arena MaintenanceAnimal Communicators, Barns, Barn and Accessories, Barn Equipment and TractorsBreast Collars, Grooming Products for Horses, Hay FeedersHorse Blankets,   Horse Breeders, Horse Camping Gear, Career SchoolsHorse Training Clinicians, Equestrian Clothing, Dogs and Puppies, Horse FencingFly Control, Foal Care, Horse FootingsHorse Gifts, Horse Health and NutritionHorse Insurance, Certified Trainers, Equine Lawyers, Leather Care, Links , Portable Horse Stalls, Arenas and Roundpens, Horse Riding SchoolsHorse Schools, Safety Products, Services for HorsesHorse Trailers, Horse Shipping, Horse Skin Coat Care,   Specialty TrainersHorse Summer Camps, TackHorse TrainersTreats and Snacks, Truck Accessories, Trucks, Horse Vacations, Western Lifestyle